Why i am who i am today.

  • my family

    my family
    My family has pushed me in my life to get me to where i am today and where im going to be in my near future. They are the type of famiky who never let me down, never leave my side when im having a bad day, they love me for who i am , and never judge me. The one family member who has had the most influence on me in never stops giving me that is my mother. She is my heart beat the blood rushing threw my vans, my mother is my world and the only reason i try hard at everthang i do.
  • The Law

    The Law
    The law has had a huge impact on my life. When i was one that had no care or respect for anyone nor myself i did what i wanted and got into really bad things. When i was in front of the law that all changed. I was takin out of my home, away from my family, friends, and the outside world. The law inn my enviroment has mad me more respectful, and much more worthy of my freedom.
  • Teachers

    Over my sixteen years of being inn school my teachers have helped me with everything iv needed and got me through each year. All my teachers i have ever had have helped me relize that without an education i would have a very hard time getting a job that pays really good money. My teachers have influenced to be more responsable and care about mi education for my future.