
Who Am I

  • Period: to

    Who I Am

    When I was born, my mum told me that she couldn't leave me because I cried alot. She would bring me around with her and provided me necessary stuffs such as food, clothes and a very warm bed. When I turned 4 years old, I was able to speak and communicate in simple language. Everybody told me that I was smart just because I asked lots of questions. The time that I was able to express my feelings was when I was in Pre-school. I enjoy being myself by learning to be independent by feeding myself.
  • as a toddler

    as a toddler
    Physical development: My arms and legs get longer and more musculars and my face loses some of the baby fat.
    Motor: Walking becomes alittle bit steadier.ie) I often attempt to walk even if my legs are not strong enough.
    Intellectual: I tend to repeat what others say and quickly progresses new words. ie) hello, mommy, daddy and etc.
    Socia-emotional: having intense emotions and try to act on my own.ie) try to escape from my parents but turning back always to make sure they are there.
  • 4 years old

    4 years old
    Language: able to say myname, answer simple questions like:how are you.
    Cognitive: I tend to ask alot of questions like in the movie " I am sam". ie) why is the sky blue. I can also sorts objects by colors and shapes.
    Movement: Walk forward and back easily.
    Emotional and social: I am independently physically, somtimes I emotionally breakout when my parents leave me alone.
  • Primary school student

    Primary school student
    Language and cognitive: I am able to express my feelings better and carry on a conversations.ie) I am so hungry, what do we have for dinner today? I am able to rhyme complex sentence and also memories my home phone number and adress.
    Movement: Able to do activities such as biking, running up and down the stairs; dress up and eat on my own.
  • special achivements

    special achivements
    Physical: I gain 4kg and starting lose some teeth.
    Cognitive: I learn how to express my thoughts in words. Also, learn how to write A B C...
    Emotional and social development: I want to have fun and play with the same gender. I love acting like a big kid taking care of those who are smaller than me.
  • school age

    school age
    Motor development: I can run and swim further.
    Language and thinking development: Reading becomes my major interest. ie) I always ask my mum to buy me books that I feel that I am attached to it.
    social and emotional development: I love making friends, very impatient and love surprises. ie) I would feel cvery excited over little surprises from adult such as buying me ice cream.
  • trip to disney land

    trip to disney land
    Physical growth: I become taller than my bro(s). My breadst seems to show an early sign of puberty.
    Emotional and social development: I love getting attention. ie) picky on my clothes. Very competitive and study very hard.
    Language development: Looks on subject of special interest and sometimes talk like an adult.
    Sensory and motor development: I develop endurance doing activities such as dancing, running and gymnastic.
  • New phone

    New phone
    Physical: I find it abit hard dealing with puberty and always and I need my personal space.
    Emotional: I feel like being watched and judged and always want to be perfect my body image. Intellectual: strive very hard to get what I want by using my brain.ie) Finding excuses and logically explain it.
  • First Car

    First Car
    Emotional: More interest in the opposite sex and need more intimate relationship and i barely spend time with my parents.
    Thinking and learning: Concern about future and always give some valid reasons for my chores.
  • Canada

    Emotional and social: wants more intamacy and seeking for love.
    Mental/ cognitive development: soemtimes feel very depressed and sad and very concern about failures.ie) school work.