Important Event: UNO
Ponyboy Curtis gets jumped by 5 Soc's. -
Important Event: DOS
Dally, Two-Bit, Johnny, and Ponyboy meet Cherry Valance at the NIghtly Double. -
Important Event: TRES
Johnny and Pony get jumped by Soc's, Ponyboy was drowning so Johnny KILLED Bob! -
Important Event: Cuatro
Pony and Johnny go to Windrixville before they get caught by the cops for killing somebody. -
Impotant Event: Cinco
The church catches on fire when and lit cigarette is thrown down and left there. -
Important Event: Seis
The "Gang" learn Cherry has been a spy for them. -
Important Event: Siete
Randy (Soc) talks to Pony and tells him he doesn't want to fight anymore. -
Important Event: Ocho
The Soc's and the Greasers have a rumble for Johnny killing bob. -
Important Event:Nueve
After the Rumble Pony and Dally go see Johnny, but little did they know he would die soon during their visit. -
Important Event: Diez
After Jonny dies Dally goes crazy and lets the cops kill him.