WHITECROSS William Macfarlane

  • Birthdate of WHITECROSS William Macfarlane

  • Date of Enlistment

    The date that WHITECROSS William Macfarlane Enlisted in the Military
  • Period: to

    Battle of Messines

    WHITECROSS William Macfarlane and the 41st AIF, this battle was located in the Messines and Wytschaete. Successful British assault on the Messines-Wytschaete Ridge. The initial assault was preceded by the detonation of 19 mines under the German front line which caused an estimated 10 000 German casualties.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Broodseinde Ridge

    WHITECROSS William Macfarlane and the 41st Australian Infantry Battalion fight a battle which was a large operation, involving twelve divisions, including those of both I and II ANZAC. The attack began before dawn on 4 October 1917. One Seventh of the casualties for the Australians happened before the battle begun
  • Period: to

    Battle of Amiens

    WHITECROSS William Macfarlane and the 41st Australian Infantry Battalion fight the battle of Amiens described as a "all arms battle"
  • Period: to

    St Quentin Canal

    WHITECROSS William Macfarlane and the 41st AIF fought a battle that was located in the St Quentin Canal. The Battle of St. Quentin Canal was a pivotal battle of World War I that began on 29 September 1918 and involved British, Australian and American forces.
  • Date returned to Australia

    The date that WHITECROSS William Macfarlane was returned to Australia
  • Date Of Death for WHITECROSS William Macfarlane