The Falling of the World Trade Center
Desription: Considered one of America's darkest hours, 9/11 was terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York. They had hijacked two planes and rammed them into the building. This event is still talked about greatly today. Analysis: This generation will most likley expect this to happen in the future as well as take into account that the world is a dangerous place . -
Creation of Myspace
Description: The creation of myspace helped define this generation by allowing the social interactions of people online. Myspace inspired many other sOcial networks the outlasted its Myspace itself. Analysis: This generation is now greatly influuenced by technology As result of myspace. this generation is now connected with each other in ways that can trancend time and distance. -
Hurricane Katrina
Description: Hurricane Katrina was devastating storm that destri=oyed many towns in Mississippi and lousiana. New Orleans suffered the most damage and was completley submerged as result of katrina. Rescue efforts were so delayed that thousands of people were stranded for days. Analysis: I believe that Hurricane Katrina will serve as a reminder to Generation Z, that we should help and protect
those in need which evident by the recent reactions I have seen towards the earthquakes Haiti and Japan. -
Sister getting Diabetes
Description: My sister Was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes right before her birthday. Not only did her life permanently change, but mine did as well. Analysis: I have always wished that I had been diagnosed with diabetes instead my sister. I worry about her a lot more and because of this I have developed a protective nature where I can not sit by while others are being hurt. -
Death of My Grandmother
My Grandmother died of cancer, like many people in my family. She lived in New York at the time while I lived in California. I had been calling her when she had first gotten sick but eventually I had stopped. Analysis:
The Death of My Grandmother had been a very sad experience for me. She was My Favorite person. And Lossing her made act out my sad feelings in everyday life. The fact that no one really cared made carry anger on a daily basis. -
Election of president Barrack Obama
Description: Barrack Obama was the first African AMerican President of the United States. By accomplishing this he set about a chain of events that would change the country. Analysis: Obama Being elected will affect Generation Z in numerous ways. First by guiding us away from rascism and preddjudice, but also furthering the lack of understaning of thee probblems occuring in the past and the present. -
Barely avoiding gunfire
Description: I was leaving my house with my Father and sister when this happened. We drove away and about tenseconds later my mom heard gunfire and thought we might have been caught in it. When we got back there were cops every where. Analysis: This caused to fear going outside as well as made me always be aware when i'm walking. This event made me a very cautious person. -
Graduating from middleschool
Description:I had a horrible experience in middle school so I was glad to be rid of it. My grades were lousy, I lost intrest in everything, And I hated everyday, but fighting through these obstacles us what I'm proud of . Analysis: Suffering through this obstacle has given me a negative disposition, but has also made me a lot stronger. I have little fear now and I can always find the good in a situation. -
Death of Michael Jackson
Description: The Death of MichealJackson was an interesting one. It was like people stopped thinking bad of himas soon as he died and Many people thought it was a conspiracy. Michael Jackson will always be a legend as an artist, but it sad to thinkhis death is what made alot of people realize that
Analysis: Generation Z will most likey create a lot music that follow s his style to honor him and will porobably try to react less in the future deaths of celebrities because of how big Michael's was. -
Attending Da Vinci Science
When I left Rogers I wanted to go to two different Schools. Da vinci Was one and the Other was Lawndale. I tried Da Vinci first and decided to stay. Analysis:
By coming to Da vinci I was able to Change alot. I became more reliable than I was in middle school. Althoughit didn't look like it, I was happy. I am only sad now because a lot the things that made it great for me are not here now. -
Earthquake in Haiti
Description: The Earthquake Haiti was massive and devasating. Many people lost their lives The counrty is still feeling the effects of this event.America was helpful at first but quickly forgot about Haiti. Analysis: Generation Z will moist likely try to show more compassion in the future and also expect things like this to happen more, -
Taking Machine Shop Classs
Description: During my ninth grade year took three college classes. One of those college classes was machine shop class. i learned how to use various machines such as an upright mill. Analysis: By taking this class I was able to apply lessons I learned in school to something in real life. I now try to learn more because I have seen some principles applied.I also try even when things seem impossible because I did the same in this situation. -
Reading Lost at Sea Part 1
Lost at Sea is graphic that tells the story of 18-year-old girl, who believes she has no soul, as she travels across America with people from her high school she barely even knows. -
Reading Lost at Sea Part 2
This Book made me question the validity of my own thoughts. It also gave me that idea that everyone may fee insufficient or confused, just because I may see myself as lacking, others may see me as more than I could hope for. These new thoughts gave me a little confidence compared to prior when I felt I had none. -
Shooting at Venice Beach
Description: This was The Second shooting I have been around. I was with my family and We were just walking. We see a crowd and thinks its street preformers when suddenly theres a popping noise and the crowd turns and starts running. without thinking I grab my sister and run towards the car. Analysis: Since this event I find myself not doubting my abilties as much. I feel confident that when a situation is dire that I will act accordingly -
Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
Desription: During this event, A massive earthquake occured in Japan which was followed by a destructive tsunami. Thousands died the destruction was terrible. Analysis: The reactions to thisevent would lead me to believe that this generation will most likely feel expected to help those in need. this will also make generation Z more expectant of Natural disasters. -
Taking Piano Lessons
In Spring 2011 began taking piano lessons from Tim Mclane. The Piano has been the only Instrument I have kept up with. I take lessons every Thursday Night at 9. Analysis:
I have pretty much lost interest in every other instrument I have attempted to play. When I took piano, I was able to understand it. By taking piano I was able to understand a new way of learning as well as open new opportunities for my future. -
Playing Fable 3 Part1
Fable 3 is a game where the player is required to lead a revolution in against tits tyrant leader which leads to the player becoming king or queen of the country and making decisions that affect everybody. Every decision you make in the game will have a lasting effect that will lead to both positive and negative consequences. -
Playing Fable 3 Part 2
Once I became the King in this game I discovered I was unfit to be a leader in real life. I tried too hard to keep everyone happy which lead to the kingdom own destruction when I did not have enough funds to defend the nation against an enemy that be reasoned with or prevented. I now that I am unfit to be a leader and I need to think of the consequences that even my minor decisions can have. -
Death of Osama Bin Laden
Description: The Death of Osama BIn Laden was considered a victory against terrorism. People seemed to be happy with the death of a person. I don't kn ow if thats right but terrorism will continue regardless. Analysis: Generation Z will probably believe that there is less of chance that acts of terrorism will occur. They will also feel that the U.S. is usually victorius in war because of this so called "victory." -
Casey Anthony Trial
Description: Casey Anthony was accused of murdering her daughter, Caylee ANthony. The evidence clearly proved that tshe had something to do with the murder, but She was declared innocent. Analysis: This trial will lead generation Z to doubt the judicial government and Question the seriousness of our laws. some Some of the people of Generation Z will also react by breaking more laws while others will try to prevent this from happening again.