Period: to
one month
By the end of kindergarten, you can expect your child to:
•Follow class rules
•Separate from a parent or caregiver with ease
•Take turns
•Cut along a line with scissors
•Establish left- or right-hand dominance
•Understand time concepts like yesterday, today, and tomorrow
•Stand quietly in a line
•Follow directions agreeably and easily
•Pay attention for 15 to 20 minutes
•Hold a crayon and pencil correctly
•Share materials such as crayons and blocks
•Know the eight basic colors: red, yellow, blue -
Period: to
Progress in children kindergarten through fifth grade
Benchmarks -
First grade
By the end of first grade, you can expect your child to:
•Work independently at her desk
•Listen to longer sets of directions
•Read directions off the board, although some children may still have difficulty with this
•Complete homework and bring it back the next day
•Sit in a chair for a longer period of time
•Be able to see things from another person's point of view so you can reason with your child and teach her empathy
•Relate experiences in greater detail and in a logical way
•Problem-solve -
Period: to
Second Grade
By the end of second grade, you can expect your child to:
•Begin to reason and concentrate
•Improve his ability to process information
•Work cooperatively with a partner or small group
•Understand the difference between right and wrong
•Make connections between concepts so he will be better able to compare and contrast ideas
•Expand his vocabulary
•Read fluently with expression
•Recognize most irregularly spelled words such as because and upon
•Begin to use a dictionary -
Third Grade
By the end of third grade, you can expect your child to:
•Work cooperatively and productively with other children in small groups to complete projects
•Understand how choices affect consequences
•Become more organized and logical in her thinking processes
•Build stronger friendships
•Be helpful, cheerful, and pleasant as well as rude, bossy, selfish, and impatient
•Be more influenced by peer pressure because friends are very important at this stage
•Like immediate rewards for behavior -
Fourth Grade
By the end of fourth grade, you can expect your child to:
•Begin to make more decisions and engage in group decision-making
•Want to be part of a group
•Think independently and critically
•Have empathy
•Show a strong sense of responsibility
•Be able to memorize and recite facts, although he may not have a deep understanding of them
•Increase the amount of detail in drawings
•Work on research projects
•Write a paragraph with an introductory topic sentence, three supporting details, and conclusion -
Fifth Grade
By the end of fifth grade, you can expect your child to:
•Be generally truthful and dependable
•Develop increasing independence
•Improve problem-solving skills
•Acquire more-advanced listening and responding skills
•Enjoy organizing and classifying objects and ideas
•Be able to read and concentrate for long periods of time
•Read complex text fluently and with good comprehension
•Research a topic using a variety of sources, and use the features of a book