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My ICT Timeline

  • Introduction to Information and Communication Technology

    Introduction to Information and Communication Technology
    What Ive learned in Lesson 1
    Ive learned many different platforms that can be used that will help make your presentation more attracting
    I learned that these kind of trends will help expand your knowledge when it comes to media, and this will help you to be socially interactive with you friends
    My insight about this is that you must know how to use these kind of trends because it'll greatly benefit us, and its becoming a source of money that can help you change your life
  • Online Safety, Security, Ethics, Etiquette

    Online Safety, Security, Ethics, Etiquette
    learned about the 10 rules of Netiquette which can help you behave in virtual world it taught me how can i identify websites whom i can't and whom i can,And to avoid necessary complications. I learned how to keep secure you account from any harmless virus in the internet.
    My Insight is that in this virtual you must learn to keep your composure and be patient and be responsible in what you're doing because someone might end up in an an accident , and like they always say think before you click.
  • Contextualized Online Search and Research Online skills

    Contextualized Online Search and Research Online skills
    I learned about the Alternative Search Engines which can help me search a big amount of information in just one click Like Bing. And i learned if you're doubting someones information, There so many websites which you can check if the information that has been telled you is a fact or not and of course to ensure if it is a fact or not there are fact correction tools. And there are Image tools if you want to know where the original source of that image come from.
  • Contextualized Online Search and Research Online skills

    Contextualized Online Search and Research Online skills
    If you want to report information and these are reporting tools these are tools that helps the journalist to aggregate and assess sources on social media, etc. And if you want to search informationa or gain information always remember the Four search strategies
    1. Keyword searchin
    2. Boolean
    3. Question
    4. Advanced
    My Insight about this is that these tools and sites is important when it comes to searching information and it helps you to be aware and know more of the surroundings.
  • Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Types of Infographics

    Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Types of Infographics
    Now there are 5 types of Infographics:
    1.Cause and Effect-explain causal relationships
    2.Chronological-explain an event or process as it happened in time
    3.Quantitative-Conveys statistical data to readers and quickly and clearly
    4.DIrectional-can navigate readers through information
    5.Product-Combining images with data makes it easier to comprehend an information.
    My Insight about this is that Infographics is used in many field and as well there are many method to convey information to a person.
  • Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Tip for Infographics

    Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Tip for Infographics
    Simplicity is the Best Policy
    Nothing takes Effect Without a Cause
    Draw your boundaries
    Think in Color
    Layout is just about Typography
    Make it Appeal the Eye
    Be Verifiable
    My insight is that these are the rubrics that will serve as your guide to make your presentation elegeant and will caught the viewer's attention.

    In case you want to create advance and complex formulas.
    My Insight about the topic is that this Tools and Techniques can make our presentation livelier and make the presentation more specific so that in the future you can use this tool and techniques in your presentation to make it more extraordinary.
  • Four SIzes of A Digital Image

    Four SIzes of A Digital Image
    Image size- Determines how the image should be suitable used
    Data size- is its uncompressed size in bytes
    File size-is its size in bytes stored in a file
    Print Size-is its size when printed on paper
    My Insight is that these digital images sizes are important for the image to be how large the picture is the better quaility and you can determine whether the image is suitable for your file

    Integrating Material and External Material in Word Processors can help you insert a picture inside an MS Platform and you can also search for online pictures on BING that will be automatically inserted after you choose the pic and. Embedded Files and Data has the power to create dynamic links between the content of your document and the content in a Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentation. In case that you want to Present you formula using an MS platfrom.
  • Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Basic Principle of Graphics and Layout

    Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Basic Principle of Graphics and Layout
    Proximity means grouping elements together which makes the presentation more organized.Alignment,it aligns the elements and makes the design of the presentation balanced.And repetition, repeating graphics in the design makes the presentation more appealing.Contrast,can make the design element stand out and get noticed.White Space, this is used to bring clarity to the message and makes the presentation stand out.
    My insight is that with this you can create a good,neat,and an elegent presentation.
  • Online Formats for Images and Text

    Online Formats for Images and Text
    JPG- is considered to be the most used image file format because it can change quaiity base on the size of the file which has a very strong downside.
    TIF- is lossless and does show anything you want but not unlike JPG, TIF files does not show on Web Browsers.
    GIF- is an online format which generally great and used for graphics
    PNG- is designed to bypass possible LZW compression patent issues with GIF
    My insight is that these platforms will make our presentation accessible to any other files.

    About the Tool/Techniques and the first one is Mail Merge,it is a feature in Word, with this you can merge boilerplate information with variable information, And custom animations and timing, this helps you to make your presentation catch the viewer's attention and in this way, you can make your presentation livelier and Timing is to change the time of the effect of the animation.And the purpose of the hyper link, to make that you won't waste time clicking back and forth that'll make you tired.
  • Basic Image Manipulation using Offline or Open Source Software

    Basic Image Manipulation using Offline or Open Source Software
    I learned about this lesson is that there are many principles to that can handle editing tasks so that you images can be flexlible and simple and elegant.
    My insight is that these principles is important for your images to stand out and attract the attention of the viewers.
  • Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Infographics

    Manipulating Text, Graphics, And Images to Create ICT content :Infographics
    Infographic is that you can represent an information using designs like shapes pictures and etc.
    Infographics are composed of three elements: Visual, Content, and Knowledge Elements this elements will help you to make your presentation, simple but the information inside is specifically organized.
    My Insight , is these thing are important because it makes the presentation more attractive to the viewers. And the message is brought out clearly
  • Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation

    Principles and Basic Techniques of Image Manipulation
    Airbrushing-airbrush is a small,air-operated painting tool that sprays dyes and inks.
    Darkroom Manipulation-Another non-digital method of altering photographs
    Double exposure- s used by skilled photographers for artistic effects but if it becomes a mistake the picture will become blurry.
    Negative Scractching-In the 19th century,pictorialists liked to employ techniques such as soft focus, exotic printing processes, special filters
    Insight-This can be helpful in creating an artistic effect image.
  • Combining Text, Graphics, and Images

    Combining Text, Graphics, and Images
    Transparent shapes-The colors are too strong, compromising your text's readability. because of the background.
    Mix and Match- try to use rounded shapes with rounded fonts and sharp shapes with sharp fonts aligning the same shapes with same fonts.
    Align Text and Backgrounds- The shapes included in your background are also an important part of your design and can serve
    as a focal point to support your messaging. this will help you to make your presentation creative.
  • Combining Text, Graphics, and Images

    Combining Text, Graphics, and Images
    Clear and Clean Backgrounds- this will help you to make your message catch the viewers eye by using strong fonts too.
    My Insight about this is that these tec hniques will help your presentation to the message be strong and the fonts is strongly colored.
  • 8 Effective Web Design Principles

    8 Effective Web Design Principles
    VIsual Hierarchy- in what the human eyes perceives and depend in the strength of a color.
    Start with the business objective
    You should rank elements on your website based on your business objective.
    Divine Proportions-Designs that use proportions defined by the golden ratio are
    Hick’s Law
    Hick’s Law says that with every additional choice increases the time required to take a decision.the more choices you give, the easier it is to choose nothing.
  • Basic Web Design Principles

    Basic Web Design Principles
    Fitt’s Law- the bigger an object and the closer it is, the easier it is to use.
    Rule of Thirds- A visual communicates your ideas much faster than text.
    Gestalt Design Laws-Gestalt psychology is a theory of the mind and brain. Its principle is that the human eye sees objects in their entirety before perceiving their individual parts.
    My insight is that these law and designs can make a presentation more interesting and the will draw out the viewer's curiosity.
  • Basic Web Design Principles

    Basic Web Design Principles
    White space and clean design- It’s the space between graphics, margins, gutters, space between columns, space between lines of type, or visuals.
    Occam’s Razor- offers the simplest explanation, To put it in the context of web design, Occam’s Razor argues that the simplest solution is usually best.
    My insight is that these design principles help you to make your presentation simple and and a neat presentation, and the message is specific.
  • Basic Web Design Principles

    Basic Web Design Principles
    Law of Proximity-you group related design elements together
    Law of Similarity
    We group similar things together. This similarity can occur in the form of shape, color, shading,
    Law of Closure-the law of closure combines the lines to form whole shapes.
    Law of Symmetry-The mind perceives objects as symmetrical, forming around a center point.
    Law of Common Fate-We tend to perceive objects as lines that move along a path.
    Law of Continuity-we tend to perceive the two lines as two single
  • Basic Web Design Principles

    Basic Web Design Principles
    My insight about the 8 gestalt web designs is that those laws are important to make your presentation have a deeper meaning and for a strong presentation.
  • Web page design using templates and online WYSIWYG platforms: What are website'Builders:

    Web page design using templates and online WYSIWYG platforms: What are website'Builders:
    -Website builders are exploding in popularity precisely because they enable users to create websites without you having to know how to code or be a talented creative designer and for any other purposes
    The 5 following website builder are examples taken from the article 50 of the Best Tools for Building Websites:
    Wix-easiest website builder tool available and is one of the most advanced solution for people to build a power and good looking website.
    Weebly- you can create a website here for free.
  • Website Builders

    Website Builders
    Squarespace- has more superior level quality that made Squarespace stand out among the website builders
    Jimdo is known for being more of an eCommerce-oriented website builder service, so more of a online store builder. He combines great usability, a low learning curve and affordable pricing.
    Jimdo is known for being more of an eCommerce-oriented website builder service, so more of a online store builder. He combines great usability, a low learning curve and affordable pricing.
  • Website Builders

    Website Builders
    Webs-One of the longest running free site creator services in the market and also reliable choice for your web-building needs.
    My insight is that we can build ourselves a website in no time with these platforms for important purposes why technology is important to us it makes us easy to access anything