Westward Expantion and Immagration

  • Period: to

    Immargation od Guliaina Guarracino

    Hello, my name is Guiliana Guarracino! I amd an Itaian immagrant moving here to america from Campani and Mezzogiorno, Italy
  • Birth of Guiliana Guarracino

    Guiliana Guarracino is born
  • Erruption of Mt. Vasuvius

    Erruption of Mt. Vasuvius
    May 15th, five days after my Birthday Mt. Vasuvius erruped and destroyed my town. My parnets are living with friends in Messa but my sibblings and I are moving to America to build a farm. Im sad to be leaving but i want a clean start and America is were they are made. http://www.jonathanrosenbaum.com/?p=28669
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Today I arrived to Ellis Island with my sibblings. It was warm and sunny but the moring dew tickeled my skin. Everyone made i through cosoms and we are now finding work to save to move west.
  • Moving West

    Moving West
    We saved $100 americal doallers to move West! I'm so proud of my sibblings. Sadly wjen we were in the race to get our land my youngest brother Giovani fell off his hourse and was trapeld.
  • Thriving Farm

    Thriving Farm
    Our farm is THRIVING! Me and my younger sister and older brother have all married and each have a house on the farm. We have livestock, corn, tomateos, and even pumpkins in the fall. Every moring people come to buy our milk and eggs for their families. http://www.tnland.com/land/6-acre-mountain-mini-farm/
  • Title Wave

    Title Wave
    I recived a letter today saying my parents and their friends are moving to America to join us on our farm. A title wave has struck Italy and all they have was destroyed again. I dont knoe if we will be able to support them, and have enough room.
  • Starving

    After my mother and father moved in with their firends and all my relitives we could no longer support the faily. We had to begin selling our cattle and chickens and now my sisiter has becom weak. We think she is staving to death.