Westward Expansion

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana territory from Napoleon for $15 million. Napoleon was willing to part from this territory because France needed money to fund a war with Britain. Louisiana was a much larger territory at this point in history stretching from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, 827,000 square miles.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark were sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the thousands of square miles of uncharted land. Jefferson had several goals for the expedition: to map the territory, take samples of the flora and fauna, forge peaceful relationships with the Native Americans, and find the Northwest Passage. The Northwest Passage was a waterway through North America that would connect the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. It did not exist but Lewis and Clark still reached the Pacific Ocean.
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    War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was fought with Britain over the impressement of Americans, the British were occupying the Northwest Territory, and Americans wanted Native American land but the British protected the Native Americans. The United States had a stunning victory defeating the most powerful army in the world for the second time. This victory forced Britian to accept the United States as an indpependent nation.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise helped maintain the balance of free states and slave states. The United States was balanced at 11 slave states and 11 free states, but if Missouri became a state it would ruin the vital balance. A compromise emerged, Missouri would become a slave state and Maine would become a free state. This left the balance at 12 states supporting slaver and 12 states against slavery.
  • South Pass

    South Pass
    Jedidiah Smith, a fur trapper, discovers the South Pass. The South Pass was a low, flat passage through the Rocky Mountains. This passage made travel into Oregon by Conestoga wagon possible.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    Over 1,000 settlers left their homes to travel into Oregon by Conestoga wagon. While the trip was treacherous, Oregon promised cheap land, fertile soil, and a fresh start to many settlers.
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    Mexican American War

    The United States went into a controversial war with Mexico after President Polk said that American soldiers were fired upon in American land, though the border of the United States was disputed between Mexico and the United States. The United States was very succesful in this war and won. In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico gave up the land in present day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, parts of Colorado, and parts of Wyoming for $15 million.
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    California Gold Rush

    When gold was found on a mill in California, thousands of people, mainly men, left behind their homes to strike it rich from gold. The United States recieved some of its first waves of immigrants as a result of the California Gold Rush. Mining was difficult work and many did not become rich as they had hoped. Though the California Gold Rush helped develope California.