Mexico flag

Mexico (B2) Sheldon

  • 200

    The Golden Age

    The Golden Age
    Mesoamerica was the setting of an advanced Mayan civilization from 200 B.C. to 900 A.D. This era is called the Classic period and has been deemed the "Golden Age" of Mexico by archaeologists. Mayan civilization was mathematically advanced, with precise time-telling, and a writing system developed during this period. Metals were not used until late in this period; even so, the architecture is sophisticated.
  • May 7, 1000

    The beggining

    The beggining
    Evidence of early hunters and gatherers in Mexico has been dated at around 10,000.
  • May 7, 1428

    Aztec Domination

    Aztec Domination
    The Mexica people, also called the Tenochcas, slowly built their strength and military prowess during the post-Classic era and eventually won freedom from subjection in 1428, rallying under the leadership of Itzacoatl. They began to build an empire, extending their reign over the next hundred years. At the apex of its power, the Aztec civilization stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • May 7, 1490

    Culture and Sacrifices

    Culture and Sacrifices
    Even today, it is hard to comprehend the extent or rationale for this ritual sacrifice. It is estimated that approximately 20,000 people per year were sacrificed by the Aztec royalty. Captives were taken to the top of pyramids where, upon a ritual flat stone table, they had their chests cut upon and their hearts ripped out. Then the bodies of the victims were tossed down the steps of the pyramids. The scene to both the Spaniards of that time and to us today is truly gruesome.
  • May 7, 1500

    Religion in Mexico

    Religion in Mexico
    As an agricultural society, Aztec civilization was greatly affected by the forces of nature; Aztec mythology, consequently, revolved around the worship of gods who represented the Earth, rain, and the Sun. The appeasement of such gods through human sacrifice, a practice already well established in Mesoamerica, was an indispensable part of Aztec religion. According to one Aztec belief, the Sun required daily offerings in order to ensure that it would rise again the next day
  • May 7, 1519

    Fall of the Aztecs

    Fall of the Aztecs
  • Silver Trade

    Silver Trade
    One of the major places where silver was mined was Potosi in Upper Peru. Gold and silver mines meant virtual enslavement of Native Americans under the jurisdiction of the Spanish, the largest silver traders which is thought to have led to Spain's downfall with the defeat of the Spanish Armada of 1588, having little affect on Spain's economic system.
  • Incan empire

    Incan empire
    Located in the Andes mountains the Incas became the new powerhouse of Latin america
  • Greatest Mystery Inca

    Greatest Mystery Inca
    Rich in foodstuffs, textiles, gold, and coca, the Inca were masters of city building but nevertheless had no money. In fact, they had no marketplaces at al
  • Hidalgo Revolution

    Hidalgo Revolution
    In September of 1810, Miguel Hidalgo led a revolt in Mexico. Hidalgo's failed his attempt to rebel failed. Causing thousands of deaths and many more injuries of his people.
  • Slavery is Abolished

    Slavery is Abolished
    In 1829, Mexico officially abolishes slavery. After three years of efforts to end slavery by Tornel, Guerrero finally put an end to the slavery in Mexico. This was put into action at the Federal Palace of Mexico, on the 15th of September, 1829.
  • Seven Laws

    Seven Laws
    In 1836, Mexico enacts a new constitution. In attempt to improve their previous lifestyle, the Seven Constitutional Laws were put into place. They were used to help territory, limits.
  • French War

    French War
    On April 16, 1838 a fleet from France started the blockade of Mexico's east coast seaports, which created a war. This started because of a claim that since Mexico had first gained its independence and freedom, many of the French people living there lost both lives and land due to Mexicans' actions.
  • Caste War

    Caste War
    1847 was the start of the Caste War, which did not end until the early 1900s. It began with the revolt by the native Mayans in Yucatán against the Yucatecos, of Europe, about politcal and economic control.
  • Mexico v. Unitted States Round 1!!

    Mexico v. Unitted States Round 1!!
    In September of 1847, the Mexican-American War was sparked by the Storming of Chapultepec! The American troops successfully made it into the city to spark a battle in Mexico. This was the first time Americans had broken through to the city!
  • Plan Du Ayutla

    Plan Du Ayutla
    Im 1854, Juan Alvarez made a plan of action. Alvarez, an illiterate Indian guerrillero, led Mexican liberals and by Ignacio Comonfort, proclaimed the "Plan de Ayutla". This was put in action against Santa Anna.
  • President Alverez

    President Alverez
    Alvarez, the leader of the Plan de Ayutla, becomes the new president of Mexico City. His new actions as president included the incorporation of Benito Juarez and Melchor Ocamp
  • Bye Bye Alverez

    Bye Bye Alverez
    After a very short rule, Alvarez resigns as president. He is then replaced by Ignacio Comonfort, whom was under him in rank. Comonfort was incorporated in Alvarez's first government structure and had similar ideas.
  • Reformation - War!!

    Reformation - War!!
    The Reform War, also known as Guerra de Reforma, was sparked in Mexico. The Mexican general, Felix Zuloaga, was the reason of this war. It was said he staged a "coup" against Comonfort and Juarez, causing battle that became a national problem and started a war.
  • Poliical Struggles Begin

    Poliical Struggles Begin
  • 1910 Revolt

    1910 Revolt
    Early in the 20th Century, a new generation of young leaders arose who wanted to participate in the political life of their country, but they were denied the opportunity by the officials who were already entrenched in power and who were not about to give it up. This group of young leaders believed that they could assume their proper role in Mexican politics once President Díaz announced publicly that Mexico was ready for democracy.
  • Assassination!

    1911, Dictator Porfirio Diaz knew his time was up: the Mexican Revolution had broken out and he could not contain it. When Diaz' successor, francisco Madero, was assassinated and replaced as President by Victoriano Huerta, the "Big Four" warlords: Carranza, Villa, Zapata and Obregon, knew they had to act.
  • Lizzaro Cardenas

    Lizzaro Cardenas
    Lazzaro Redistributed 45 million acres to peasants. He began to Seize control of Mexican oil wells from foreign investors
  • Institutional Revolutionary Party

    Institutional Revolutionary Party
    Institutional Revolutionary Party, 1946, Provided stability. The PRI is Not a true democracy. The PRI controlled the Congress and won every election; fraud and corruption came about.
  • Crop Cultivation

    Crop Cultivation
    8000 B.C. Crop cultivation is thought have begun around 8000 B.C., and agriculture replaced hunting and gathering as the major means of sustenance by 2000 B.C.

    Clay pottery and figurines from around 1500 B.C. indicate permanent civilization and the leisure time that accompanied an agriculturally based society.
  • Natural disaster striked 80%

    Natural disaster striked 80%
    The torrential rains and subsequent flooding have also affected the states of Tabasco, Chiapas and Oaxaca.
    In Tabasco, more than 124,000 people have been affected but many have opted to stay.People in Tabasco face frequent floods"They are refusing to leave their homes and they don't want to go to shelters because they have a culture of living with water," said Tabasco Governor Andres Granier
  • Poverty in Mexico :(

    Poverty in Mexico :(
    Over 20 million people live offof 2 dollars a day. The streets are filled with gang and the Cartels began to control the Border with Drug Wars. Suring this time many people struggle to find peace and stabality. Many people everyday are abnkrupt and forced to eat food out of the garbage.
  • Period: to

    10000 BCE - 2012

  • Post classic period 900 AD

    Post classic period 900 AD
    The Mayans abandoned their civilization for unknown reasons in 900 A.D. Some moved away to the Yucatan Peninsula, but they were no longer the dominant culture
  • It's migrating time!! 900 AD

    It's migrating time!! 900 AD
    The period after the Classic period is called, fittingly, the post-Classic period. During this period, there was a great deal of migration, and tribes began making alliances against common enemies