
Westward Expansion

  • Louisiana Purchase

    "On April 30, 1803 the nation of France sold 828,000 square miles (2,144,510 square km) of land west of the Mississippi River to the young United States of America in a treaty commonly known as the Louisiana Purchase"
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    Way Out West

  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    President Jefferson requested that Congress approve $2,500 for an exploratory expedition west after the purchase of the land. President Jefferson chose Captain Meriwether Lewis as its leader once Congress approved the funds for the expedition. Lewis was chosen mainly because he was an experienced Army office and he already had some knowledge of the west
  • Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act is passed granting President Jackson the authority to remove Native Americans living east of the Mississippi River. This will allow settlers to move into this previously inaccessible territory.
  • Texas Rebellion

    Anglo leaders in Texas create a provisional government and declare their independence from Mexico. Soon after fighting began and becomes known as the Texas Rebellion.
  • Treaty of New Echota

    The Treaty of New Echota was signed giving the Cherokee nation $5.6 million and transportation west for all of their land. This led to the westward movement of the Cherokee nation on the Trail of Tears.
  • Heading West

    People depart Independence, Missouri, on the first emigrant wagon train headed for California. They arrive November 4th.
  • Gold is Found

    Gold is discovered in California. The following year more than 80,000 people move to California in search of gold sparking what would be called the ‘Gold Rush’.