Westward Expansion

  • Fugitive slave act I

    Fugitive slave act I
    It said that any slave holder could capture a suspected run away slave and bring it before the judge. The judges decided if the slave was a runaway.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson sent James Monroe to France to get the port of New Orleans which would be used to ship out crops. Instead of just buying the port, Napoleon sold the entire territory to the Americans because the land was being overthrown by slaves and they needed money for war. It was sold for $15 million.
  • Acquisition of Florida- Treaty of Adam-Onis

    Acquisition of Florida- Treaty of Adam-Onis
    After the Seminoles (a native american tribe) hide runaway slaves, Jackson was told to patrol the border. He disobeyed this order and invaded Spanish territory, killing many. Instead of apologizing, the US sent a message, “govern or get out.” Spain decided to leave the territory and sell it to the US.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    After Missouri was added to the US, it wouldn't be fair to have one more or less slave state, so they also added Maine. Missouri's southern border was the line that decided whether any other states were slave states or free states.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Andrew Jackson ignored the orders of a treaty with the Cherokee. U.S. troops rounded up about 15,000 Cherokee and put them in prison camps. Local residents burned the native’s homes. Troops then sent the Cherokee west in groups of about 1,000 on a path known now as the Trail of Tears.
  • Period: to

    Oregon Trail

    A trail from Missouri to Norther Oregon. It was about 2,000 miles and acted like a highway for settlers headed west.
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    Steven Austin with 300 other people went to Texas that was owned by Mexico. Many more settlers came not wanting to follow Mexican culture, laws, and religion. They decided to fight for their independence, and after long battle, became an independent country. 10 years later President Polk annexed Texas.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    John Augustus Sutter discovered gold on his land in Sacremento, California when it was still apart of Mexico. When it became apart of America, word spread quickly. Soon, everyone was rushing to get a bit of gold.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This is the treaty that was signed to end the Mexican-American war. As a result, America gained more land and the border was established as the Rio Grande river. The US also got the Mexican cession which included many states like Colorado, California, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico and a couple of others.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay suggested that the slave line in Missouri shouldn't apply to the states of Nevada, New Mexico, California, and Washington DC. Henry said that California and Washington DC be free states, while Nevada and New Mexico be slave states.
  • Fugitive Slave act two

    Fugitive Slave act two
    It set severe penalties for anyone who helped a slave runaway.It also gave people called the special commissioners the power to order the runaway slaves to return to their owners.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Both Kansas and Nebraska were added into the United States, and they also allowed slaves. The United States had to repeal this because they were states above Missouri's border.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    It promoted and encouraged the expansion of America by giving people 160 acres of land for a small fee. It had four requirements, They needed to pay a small filing fee, agreed to work on the land to improve it, they needed to be 21 or the head of a family, and people of any race were eligible.
  • Transcontinental railroad

    Transcontinental railroad
    The transcontinental railroad is a railroad that was built by the central and union pacific that spans from Omaha to Sacramento. It reduced travel times from 6 months, to 2 weeks.