Western Timeline

  • Daniel Boone

    Daniel Boone
    He explored and settled lands in Kentucky. Daniel was one of the most known frontiersman.
  • Eli Whitney Inventor of the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Inventor of the Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was a hugely succesful invention created by Eli Whitney. It was used to seperate cotton and made sure it was produced even faster.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    It was the largest land purchase. The area was ruled by the French and Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy it, however Napolean refused to sell it to him.
  • Lewis and Clark Expidition

    Lewis and Clark Expidition
    Lewis and Clark were the leaders of the expiditon into Mississippi territory. They had to learn as much as they could about the area and bring back specias and examples.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    It's often called the Revolutionary War Part II. It's a war between America and Great Britain and ended with America being the winners.
  • The Texas Revolution

    The Texas Revolution
    It was a conflict between Mexico and Texas. It was sparked by the cultural differances as well as government issues.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Over 7,000 Americans were forcably removing Native Americans from their homes. Many of them suffered and died on the way.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The trail was mapped out by exploerer John C Fremont. It went across Missouri and landed in Fort Vancouver (Which is now Washington)
  • Manfiest Destiny

    Manfiest Destiny
    Americans won the war and took advantage of the Louisiana purchase.
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    Nine wagons left Springfield for California. The trip was an estimated 4 months. However the group encountered hardships and snowfall which left them to resort to cannabalism.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    People found gold nuggests in Sacramento Valley and it caught the attention of a lot of people. Thousans of miners and prospectors journeyed there to grab some gold.