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Washinton Timeline

  • Washington was born

  • First Slaves

    First Slaves
    Washington has inherited his first slaves at age 11. This is important because Washington ends up owning 317 slaves in his life. Washington used many different ways to keep his slaves. He used them a lot. He also didn't believe in harsh punishment in the slaves but used it every once in a while.
  • Washington the Surveyor

    Washington the Surveyor
    At age 16 George became a surveyor, it was his first career. Over the course of fifty years, Washington completed numerous surveys. He documented uncharted territory along Virginia's western frontier. He also surveyed the expansion of the Mount Vernon Plantation.
  • First surrender

    First surrender
    Washinton surrendered to the French at Fort Necessity. This is important because it's Washington's first and only surrender in a battle. He later won many battles and lost many, but became one of the most successful leaders in war.
  • Washington the Colonel

    Washington the Colonel
    Washinton was appointed, with the rank of colonel, commander of reorganized Virginia colonial forces. He was responsible for defending a 350-mile frontier. This is important because this is his first high rank in an army. He later became a very important leader in the American Revolutionary War.
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    Washington was elected to the first continental congress. This was important because it was the "government" during the American Revolution. It was in charge of everything on the American side. It also wrote the Articles of Confederation, the first plan of government for the United States.
  • Continental Army

    Continental Army
    Washington is appointed General and commander-in-chief of the new Continental Army. This is important because he is put in charge of all the troops fighting for independence from Britain. He was trusted by everyone on the American side to defeat Britain and win the war.
  • Constitution Convention

    Constitution Convention
    Washington was elected to the constitutional convention. This is important because he was trusted to go to this meeting and help with the making of the government plan that is still active today. He was trusted to make a fully functioning government with everyone else in the convention. He was also the first person to sign the constitution.
  • President Washington

    President Washington
    Washington was elected as the first president of the United States of America. This was important because he is the first president of the new country. He was also the only president to be unanimously chosen as president. Meaning that he was that good of a leader and the perfect match for the presidency.
  • Second Term

    Second Term
    Washington was elected to a second term. He was again unanimously elected. This term was important because he had to face many difficulties in the term. For example, he stopped the nation from another war with Britain. There were also rebellions like the Whiskey Rebellion. Washington also feared that the country would pull and split apart, and serve an additional four years to help.
  • Farewell Address

    Farewell Address
    Washington said his farewell address. This is important because he felt two terms were enough. He was tired of public life and wanted to return to his home. He wanted to help the future county out by using the speech.
  • Washington's Death

    Washington dies at the age of 67. He died at his mansion in Mount Vernon, VA.