Screenshot 2017 11 13 at 9.56.12 am

war world 1

  • Department of army

    My dear Colonel Bowden upon your retirement from active duty i wish to express to you. My sincere appreciation for the loyal support and service you have rendered the quarter master corps
  • Note to Colonel Edward Rowden

    The quarter master section of part battalion were bad enough in Britain. but the one at Roven really nauseated me. There i found all classes of quartermast supplies piled upon the bank of the seine in the rain--flour,sugar shoes clothes. The office that you set in Antwerp was a model. it ought to be put into the military archives.
  • Note of thanks from general Omar bradley

    In appreciation of your interest in The Marshall foundation, I am sending you this book which describes in graphic fashion our past achievements, our present programs,and our plans for the research library.
  • Letter to Alli

    he tells alli that his nightly dream of her are good and had signs that he will return home safely. his words say I love to wonder through the streets in the dusk and watch panorama of ancient life and customs.