War of 1812

  • Michilimackinac

    General Hull led his American army into Canada, but was forced to go back to Detroit when Tecumseh cut off his supply line.
  • Detroit Surrendered

    2,000 american soldiers surrendered Detroit to 13,000 British troops.
  • Battle of Queenston

    American regulators were crushed, when a New York militia volunteered only to protect the homes, but not to invade Canada.
  • Put-In-Bay

    During the 1812-1813 winter, Captain Oliver H. Perry constructed an American fleet of ships. Used this fleet later on that year (Sept.) to destroy a British squandron on the western end of Lake Erie. This was the turning point of the war, in which America started to win some battles.
  • Battle of TheThames River

    The defeat of the British Army in the western end of Lake Erie, caused them to leave Detroit. However, Harrison still managed to capture and overtake the army of British/indian alliances on the Thames River. In this battle, Tecumseh was killed in this battle, supposedly by Richard Johnson. This led to Johnson's election as vice-president.
  • Battle of Chippewa

    One of the two first times America invaded Canada. They entered in JUne through the Niagra front.
  • Battle of Lundy's Lane

    The other of the first two times when America invaded Canada. After these first two battles, America withdrew its militray from Canada, due to excessive casualties.
  • The Battle of Bladensburg

    British sailed up from Bermuda to Maryland and encountered a large American army. American militia fleed (including Madison), and British army decsended into Washington, invading the area and burning Madison's mansion.
  • Hartford Convention

    The exact dates of these meeting are not given (Nov. 5 is false). However, This was a meeting of fed up New England Federalists after the war. Angered by their change to a minority party, and the majority political power coming from southern republicans, the convention proposed these main ideas: abolish 3/5 compromise, require 2/3 congressional vote in order to declare war/admit new states into the union, limit the president to a single term, prohibit the election of two successive presidents.
  • The Treaty of Ghent

    Although the British wanted land claims in the great lakes area, they realized that they held no militaristic control there. The treay, signed on Christmas Eve, concluded that things would go back to the way they were before the war. Thus, neither America, nor Britain lost/gained any land. However, America was at least fortunate enough to keep the great lakes area.