Vladek is born
Vladek meets Anja
Vladek and Anja Marry
RIchieu is born
Vladek is drafted into the Polish military
Vladek is captured by Nazi soldiers
Vladek goes back to Sosnowiec after being released
All Jews in Sosnowiec moved to the Ghetto
Vladek's father gets deported to Aushwitz
Anja's Parents are deported and killed
Richieu is killed by Anja's older sister
Vladek and Anja caught by Nazi's and sent to Auschwitz
Vladek and Anja survive Srodula Ghetto liquiditation
Vladek is moved from Auschwitz to Dachau
Vladek is liberated at Dachau
Vladek and Anja move to Sweden
Vladek's son Art is born
Vledek's wife Anja dies
Vladek dies