Vladek's Life

  • Born

  • Engaged to Anja

    Engaged to Anja
    Engaged and moved to Sosnowiec
  • Married

  • Richieu Born

    Richieu Born
    Vladek's first son is born
  • Call to serve in army

    Call to serve in army
    Vladek is drafted to the Polish army
  • Vladek Captured

    Vladek Captured
    Vladek was captured as a POW by German Soldiers
  • Lost factory

    Lost factory
    Vladek lost his textile factory as the Germans occupied Poland
  • Moving to ghetto

    Moving to ghetto
    Vladek and his family are forced into a ghetto by the Germans
  • Passed inspection at stadium

    Passed inspection at stadium
    Vladek, Anja, and Richieu got their papers stamped and were not sent off to Auschwitz
  • Moved out of Sonsowic

    Moved out of Sonsowic
    Vladek and his family moved into the Ghettos in Srodula
  • Richieu sent to Aunt

    Richieu is sent to live with his aunt in Zawierce to escape the ghetto
  • Richieu's death

    Richieu's death
    Richieu is poisoned along with two other children by his aunt who also kills herself in order to escape the gas chambers as the ghetto is evacuated.
  • Vladek and Anja hide

    Vladek and Anja hide
    they hide in a hidden room covered up with shoes
  • Vladek and Anja sent to Auschwitz

    Vladek and Anja sent to Auschwitz
    The smugglers give them up to the gestapo and they are taken to Auschwitz
  • Period: to


    When he first got to Auschwitz he stayed in a building while those around him got sent to death or work
  • Taught English in Auschwitz

    Taught English in Auschwitz
    Vladek taught the Kapo English and got food, goods, and clothes in exchange when in quarantine
  • Period: to

    Moved to Tin Shop

    Vladek worked in the tin shop for Yidil and payed him with food to keep him safe
  • Bribed Yidil

    Bribed Yidil
    Paid Yidil with food in order to keep him safe in the tin shop
  • Period: to

    Shoe Shop

    Got work fixing shoes where he got better benefits, such as food for his specialized craft.
  • Worked on roof in Birkenau

    Worked on roof in Birkenau
    Vladek saw Anja in person for the first time since they were separated
  • Fixed Anja's Kapo's boots

    Fixed Anja's Kapo's boots
    Vladek fixed the boots so they Kapo would be nicer to Anja and after the Kapo didn't make Anja carry the soup barrels anymore.
  • Period: to

    Black Work

  • Period: to

    Tin Shop

    Vladek went back to the tin shop for another 2 months
  • Death March

    Death March
    Vladek and many other marched into germany over many days
  • Vladek sent to Dachu

    Vladek sent to Dachu
  • Dachau Liberated

    Dachau Liberated
    Dachau is liberated by American Soldiers
  • Anja and Vladek reunited

    Anja and Vladek reunited
    Vladek and Anja leave Poland for Sweden once reunited
  • Anja's Suicide

    Anja's Suicide
    Anja killed herself and left no note
  • Died
