Video 1 timeline

By sekaih
  • Birth - 3 months

    I was born on July 29, 1994. I wasn't using any sort of media at this point, but I was the subject of various photographs.
  • 4 months

    At 4 months, I still had yet to use anything we would consider "technology", but I was filmed by my mother. Somewhere in between 4 months and the first few years of my life, I had toy phones that made sounds when buttons were pushed, a view finder device which had preloaded images that changed when a lever was pressed down, and a toy camera.
  • 4 years old

    By the age of 4, I had computer games and I regularly watched different kid-targeted programs on television. Somewhere in between 4yrs and 7yrs, I was given my first CD. I can't really remember what it was... but I was very into Brandy, N*sync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Destiny's Child, and every other popular musical act at that time.
  • 7 years old

    This year was a very big year for media in my life. At 7 years old, my Gameboy Color no longer receive any attention from me due to the fact the new and popular Gameboy Advance had entered my household. Tamagotchis (portable virtual pets), Neopets (virtual pet website), and Hit Clips (portable digital audio player that played ultra-low-fi one minute clips of hit music.) were also websites/devices that I enjoyed using. I also got my first real video game console: a GameCube and a desktop computer
  • Age 10-12

    I'm struggling to remember exact ages and dates for things, but sometime during elementary school I remember going to this place called The Sony Wonder Technology Lab. It was bascially a technology/entertainment museum designed for kids where you could go and create different things things using/related to media. It was a very imited and crowded place but I liked it. I believe I was 12 when I got my first celphone. I remember being so excited that it had a radio and a camera inside.
  • 13-14 years of age

    At 13-14 years old, I started getting into social media. MySpace was the first site to host my first social media account. I loved MySpace because I got to connect with friends, pretend I was an expert in HTML because the site used it as a way for users to personally modify and decorate their own profiles, and find information/stay up to date with bands and music acts. I also had a YouTube account but I didn't use it to make videos. I also got my first laptop this year, it was a MacBook.
  • 15-18

    At 15-18yrs I got my first two smart phones, a Blackberry and iPhone. These devices changed the way I lived my life, from setting alarms.. to taking notes.. to exploring the realm of basic photo and video taking/making. I don't remember being introduced to much else in this period of time. However, more social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and the idea of applications entered into my daily life.
  • 19 - present

    As time has gone on, i've acquired less and devices. Everything has or is in the process of being shoved into one device. I no longer need a disposable camera, camcorder, radio, alarm clock, walkman, desktop computer, stopwatch, watch, landline and handheld gaming system, its all right there in my iPhone and in my laptop.