Unnit 4

  • Physical development 1

    Turns several pages of a book at a time Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger
    move objects from hand to hand
    May walk alone or while holding a caregivers hand
    sits down without help
    slides down stairs backwards,one step at a time
  • Self feeding 1

    Children eat a variety of food,
    They should avoid hard foods
    Using a spoon to eat usally begins at this age
    Using a training cup is a good idea
  • Emotional Development 1

    They are very self centered at this age.
    They like to do the opposite of what others want.
    They want to do more then their body is able to accomplish and they dont have language skills to adequately ezpress their feelings
    Instead of letting then pick, give them a choice of this or that
  • Piaget's Four Periods of Learning 1-3

    Children learn through their senses and own actions
    Children think in terms of their own activities and what they perceive at the moment
    children can think logically but still learn best through experience
    people are capable of abstract thinking
  • Intellectual Developmental Milestones 1

    begins to put two words together
    names common objects and people
    understands "no" but ignores
    finds hidden objects
  • Social Patterns 1

    At this age they play near kids but not with them
    They often seem to treat other people as objects than as humans
    There will be conflicts over toys that result in hitting,bitting,screaming or hair pulling
    They understand that their actions have consequences
  • Social Developmental Milestones 1

    Plays alone but often near others
    dislikes sharing toys
    Desires approval
    fears some strangers
  • Period: to


  • P.Development 18

    stacks from 2-4 blocks
    grasps crayons with a fist and scribbles
    walks well
    jumps in place
    climbs up or down one stair
  • P.development 2

    Stacks six blocks
    turns one page of a book at a time
    picks up objects from the floor without losing balance
    walks with more coordination and confidence
    jumps off the bottom step
    pushes self on wheeled toys
  • Self feeding 2

    Kids can usally feed themself and learn to use a fork
    take a long time to eat
    child should eat with the rest of the family
  • Emotional Development 2

    Speech and motor skills have improved,relieving some source of frustration.
    Understands more and is able to wait longer for various needs to be met.
    Expresses love and affection freely.Seeks approval and praise
    They will still have some emotional outburst ,they are fewer and less intense
  • Intellectual Developmental Milestones 2

    Uses two to three word sentences
    knows about 500 words
    follows simple directions
    identifies colors
  • Social Developmental Milestones 2

    Engages in parallel play
    plays simple games with others
    bosses other children
    Says "please" if prompted
  • Social Patterns 2

    Have an impressive list of social skills
    Are good at understanding and interacting with care givers
    Find it fun to play with someone else
    Occasionally are willing to the needs of others above theirs.
  • P.development 2.5

    stacks eight blocks
    screws lids on and off containers
    draws circels and horizontal and vertical lines
    alternates feet going up stairs but not going downy not be able to stop smoothly
    throws a ball overhead but inaccurately
    runs but ma
  • Emotional Development 2.5

    This stage may seem for difficult for caregivers then it was at 1
    toddlers arent easily distracted
    They are learning so much that they offten feel overwhelmed
    They are sensitive about being bossed,shown or helped
    Can be stubborn,demanding and domineering
    Moods change rapidly
  • Social Patterns 2.5

    Child may refuse to do anything for one person while happily doing something for someone else.
    They begin responding to the fairmess of others
    Social play is still parallel and works best with two people
  • P.development 3

    Stacks nine or ten blocks
    cuts with scissors
    draws recognizable pictures
    jumps up and down in place with both feet
    catches a ball with arms striahgt
    rides a tricycle
  • Self feeding 3

    Skillfuly using a fork and spoon
    have full set of primary teeth,so chewing isnt a problem
    Meats and other hard foods should be cut into small pieces
  • Emotional Development 3

    Have sunnier dispositions
    They are learning to be considerate
    They are mor physicaly capable and therefore less frustrated
    More willing to take directions
    Like to talk and are much better at it
  • Social Patterns 3

    Cooperative paly begins
    They can work together in small groups
    Parents and other caregivers are still very important
    Seek friends of their own
  • Social Developmental Milestonesn 3

    Takes part in brief group activities
    takes turns
    likes to help
    shows affection
  • Intellectual Developmental Milestones 3

    uses longer sentences
    knows about 900 words
    gollows two-part directions
    sorts by color and shape