Signing of Declaration of Independence
July 4, 1776 56 congressional delegates signed The Declaration of Independence, marking the colonies free states. Some people like General George Washington, John Sullivan, James Clinton, and Christopher Gadsden wern't even there to sign the document. After the signing the paper was sent to nearby printers. This event was very important in our history becasue it was the signing of a very important document that helped us get our freedom. Also marked the beginning of our freedom. -
The Years of The Reveloutionary War
In these years Britian still had power over the states and the colonies always wanted to wage war against Britian. The French helped the colonies fight against Britian, and they later beat the British and they gained there freedom. This event was very very important because that was the day we gained our independence and we were free colonies. -
Ratification of the United States Constitution
On December 7, 1786, the United States Constitution was ratified by Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, and Connecticut. Before the constitution was official all the states had to be ratified (in other words agreed to what it said what it was about and they signed it). This event was important because we needed those other states to sign it because it wouldn't of been official. -
Louisiana Purchase
In the year of 1803 ther was trouble because Napolian the leader of France was restricting people from using the Mississippi River, which was the only way farmers could sell their produce. People wanted to declare war on France and win the terriotory, and Jefferson knew another war would be very exspensive he dicided to try and buy part of it. Napolian sold the whole Louisian Territory. This was very important because we would not have all of America like we do today. (McDougal Littel 345). -
Lewis and Clark Journey
Thomas Jefferson after buying the Louisianna Territory picked Captain Meriwether Lewis, to lead the journey to the unfamiliar land, Lewis asked Lieutenant William Clark, a map maker and outdoorsman to come with him. The whole reason why Jefferson sent them out to explore the Mississippi River in hopes of finding a route to the ocean, and to make good relations with the native people so they can show them around.This is important becausewe bewould unfamiliar with the land.(McDougal Littel 346-348 -
Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion
On this day a man named Nat Turner led a slave rebellion with 70 followers as his army. They killed about 55 white men, women, and children. Most of Turner's followers were captured because they ran out of ammo, some were also killed. Nat Turner was then captured, he then was tried and found guilty of treason and was later hanged. This event is important because Southerner's were afraid that the slaves might hear and start a rebellion of their own. (McDougal Littel) -
The Texas Revolution
The Texas Revolution began becuase Texas wanted to be a state and Mexico had a problem with it, thats how it started. America helped Texas fight the war and in 1836 Texas asked America congress to join, Texas to the Union. This event is important because Texas would not be apart of our country and Mexico would still be controlling it. (McDougal Littel, 427) -
The Donner Family
While Americans were moving West a group of people known as the Donner Family, took another routeto see if it was faster. They were cought in a blizzard and was stuck behind the Sierra Nevada for months. They ate everything they had there cattle, all there food. So when someone would die they were forced to eat each other and they would mark each individual so they wouldn't eat there family members. Out of the 87 women, children and men only 46 survied and made it to california. -
War With Mexico
The Americans thought that land in the west was not being occupied or taken up, also Americans worried about the claims by other nations. Which at that time the land was being occupied by Mexicans and Native Americans. The war ended on 1848 between the Americans and the Mexicans. This event is important because we would not have the land that we have now and Mexico or someone else would.(McDougal littel 432 -
War With Mexico
The Americans thought that land in the west was not being occupied or taken up, also Americans worried about the claims by other nations. Which at that time the land was being occupied by Mexicans and Native Americans. The war ended on 1848 between the Americans and the Mexicans. This event is important because we would not have the land that we have now and Mexico or someone else would. -
The California Gold Rush
Uncle Tom's Cabin
This is important because the book is about a girl who has escaped from her plantation and they turned around as a person to help other slaves escape from the farm or plantation and take them to the free world. The thing that has happened is that she has risked her life to free slaves on the underground railroad just like she did when she ran from her plantation. -
Harpers Ferry
John Brown and his sons targeted and attacked the U.S. aresenal. It was a movement to get the weapons in the armory and give the slaves and towns people the weapons, and create a riot so the slaves could be free. John Brow was caught and his sons were killed, John Brown was later charged with treason and hanged. This movement put fear into the southerners that the slaves might try and make an uproar and rebel, this also created a worse tension between the North and the South. (MC Dougal littel) -
Period: to
The Civil War
First day of Gettysburg
Day two of Battle of Gettyburg
Day three of Battle of Gettyburg
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
On April 14, 1865 John Wilkes Booth was a famous actor and Confederate symphathizer, shot Abraham Lincoln at Ford's theatre while he was watching a play. John killed Abe after 5 days when Confederate General Robert E. Lee, surrendered at Appomattox Court House, in Virginia. Which ended the Civil War so that African Americans would be free people. This event is very important because one of the greatest presidents of the U.S. was assasinated. -
The Stock Market Crash of 1929
On October 29, 1929 some investors traded some 16 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in one day. Billions of dollars were lost and wiping out thousands investors. This event came to be called "Black Tuesday". Which led us into the "Great Deppresion", lasting 10 years. This event was very important in America because many familys were broke barely had any money lots of familys were struggling to put food on the table. -
The First Appearance of Superman in Action Comics
In 1933 two high school students writer Jerry Seigel and artist Joe Shuster created a fictional character called Superman. The very first apperance of Superman was on July 1938, and then appeared on television radio, films, news paper strips, and video games. This event was important because that helped get more characters in the D.C comics, and Superman is an awesome dude. -
Pearl Harbor
On December 7, 1941 the Japan Empire attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii using 360 warplanes. 2,400 americans died that day and 1,200 were wounded. This came to a huge surprise the americans had no idea that this was going to happen. This event brought us into World War ll, with Germany, Italy, and Japan. This event impacted America alot because many people died that day and it brought us into World War ll -
The dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
On August 6, 1945 a man "Enola Gay" dropped a five ton bomb over Hiroshima instantly killing 80,000 people and 2 days later they dropped another one was dropped over Nagasaki killing another 40,000 more people. A month before this Albert Einstein warned America that Nazi Germany that was already trying to make an atomic bomb, but we dropped the very firts atomic bomb on them in New Mexico kicking them out of the war. This event was very important because Japan surrendered and we won the war. -
The Years of World War II
ON these days there was lots of fighting and Germany was taking over lots of places. Hitler was making concentration camps and Hitler kept on growing stronger and stronger. There was an estimated death in the whole World War ll was 85 million people civilians, and military personel. This was very important because it was another war that we were in and we won and were still safe. -
The Years of the Korean War
On June 25, 1950 75,000 from the North Korean peoples army attacked across the 38th parrelel, boundry between the Soviet backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. Starting the Korean War, and we fought with the Koreans. The war ended in July 1953,and some 5 million soliders and civilians were lost in the Korean war. This event was very important because it was another war that we were in and we were safe. -
The Years of the Vietnam War
On this day Vietnam the longest, blodiest war, there was lots of fighting took 500,000 military persons in the war. This war was beetwen us and the Veit Cong, this war started in 1965 and ended in 1975. Rhichard Nixion the president at the time withdrew the military in 1962 and communists forced them to surrender, and in 1965 the war was over. This event is very important because that was the day the war was over and we weren't fighting as much -
The Inauguration of John F. Kennedy
On January 20, 1961 John F. Kennedy was inaugurated 35th president of the United States. This day there was speeches singing and after all that John was then declared president. This event was very very important in U.S. history because that was the day a new president was declared. -
The First Appearance of Spider-Man in Comics
On August 1962 the very first Spider-man was introduced. Spider-man was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko and published by DC comics. Peter Parker takes the identity of the Amazing Spider, who is orpahned by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. This event was important because it was the very first day that Spider-man was introduced, plus he is a really cool character. -
March On Washington
August 28, 1963 was the day of "The March On Washington", more than 200,000 people came that day. This event was supposed to help African Americans get jobs and get there freedom. This was also the day Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech, one of the most famous speeches in the world. This event is important in America's history because that was the day Martin Luther King Jr. gave his very famous speech, and helped African Americans gain there freedom. -
The First Super Bowl between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs
On this day the very first "Super Bowl", was between The Green Bay Packers and the Chiefs the Packers won 35-10. There was 61,946 people there that day. Because of the Packers win each football team member got $15,000. This event was very important in U.S. history because it was the very first Super Bowl and the Packers won the game. -
The Explosion of the Challenger Space Shuttle
On January 28, 1986 the American shuttle orbiter Challenger broke up 73 seconds after liftoff, and seven astronauts were killed including a teacher. The teacher was going to teach school children from space. The reason why the spacecraft blew up is becauset wo rubber O-rings, which had been designed to separate the sections of the rocket booster, had failed due to cold temperatures. This event was important because peoples lives were lost and they know what not to do before they try and set off -
The First Inauguration of Ronald Reagan
January 20, 1991 was the day that Ronald Regan wsa sworn into office as president of the U.S.. That was also the day he gave an important speech, "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem". That was part of the important speech that he gave during his inaugragation. Two months after his inaugragation someone tried to assinate him. This event is very important because that was the day he was sworn into office. -
My Birthday
On this day i was born -
September 11 9/11
On September 11, 2001 the al-queda highjacked four air planes two of them crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City the third one crashed into the Pentagon the fourth one crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. This event is very important because many loved ones were lost and America was in mourning because this happened. -
The First Inauguration of Barrack Obama
On November 2008, Barack Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States of America. Barack Obama and John Macain were the final ones competing for presidency. This day was a like a normal day of inaugragation there was music and singing and finally the speech by Obama. This event was very important because a new president was elected and he is still doing a good job. -
The Mountains
On November 15, 2010 was the first day that i went to the mountains. I went for a work party to work around the cabin and get wood and just work and have fun. It was lots of fun because i love being in the nature and looking at the all the animals ecspecially the bears and deer that come out at night. This was a very important event in my life because its a very cool place there and i can be in the nature and get away from my family.