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united states history 2015-16

  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    during the boston massacre british soldiers were being herassed they werr afraid for there lives. so they then shot and killed 5 colinist this led to more anger towards the britsh king and soldiers
  • the declaration of independance

    the declaration of independance
    on July 4, 1776, the second continental congress adopted that became one of Americas most cherished documents written by Thomas Jefferson the declaration of independence voiced the reasons for separating from Britain and it provided the principles of government upon which the united states would be built
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 doubled the size of the nation. the united saes bought about 828,000,000 square miles of territory from France What is know as Louisiana Territory stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, to the Gulf of Mexico, and Canadian border in the north.
  • The Lewis and Clark Journey West

    The Lewis and Clark Journey West
    the lewis and clark expodition was a long 2 year journy through the interior amerca and out to the pacific they discovered over 200 new plants and animal species unknow to eurpeon sciense they also traveed 8,000 miles on land and in water. they made an accurate map of the land so others can go out and live there
  • The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears
    in the early 1830s 125,000 native amercans had to leave there land due to the indian removalact. the act was passed by congerss and as put in affect in the 1830s. only about half of the 125,000 indians made it to tey territory which is now oklahoma. they had to travel 1,000 or more miles and they slept with no fire or blankets. they eaither slept on the ground r in one of the wagons
  • Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion
    Nat Turner was the only black slave that led the only effictive slave rebilion it his actions it started a whole new oppressive legistion prohbiting the education and assembuly of slaves
  • The Texas War for Independence

    the war started when many texians started to rebel against mexico. after 10 years of politcal and cutural clashes between ico and the texicans the mexicas started to send the milatary to try and calm them down. that didnt work it just made it worse then the texians started to fight for there independance. after they lost they went to the amercian armay and tamrica won and took 1/3s of there land
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    in december of 1835 during the teaxas war for independance from mexico a group call the texas vollunter a group of 200 men accupied the almo. in feburay 1836 a mexican army numbers by the thousands came to take the almo. they texas vollunteer lasted 13 days before the mexican ivaders took it over
  • The Donner Party

    The Donner Party
    In the spring of 1846, a group caled the donner party left Springfield, Illinois, and headed west. Led by brothers Jacob and George Donner, they tryed to take a new route and what was said to be a faster route to California. They soon encountered rough terrain and delays, and they became trapped by heavy snowfall in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. they soon ran out of food and resorted to cannibalisam to stay alife. only about half the group made it to california
  • The Mexican American War

    The Mexican American War
    the mexican american war marked to firsdt conflict on american soil. the mexican army was an unorgenized and un trained army. and the americans were trained and very orgenized. the war went on till 1848 and mexico lost 1/3 of its land which is now texas, California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.
  • The California Gold Rush

    The California Gold Rush
    The discovery of gold in california in early 1848 sparked the Gold Rush. this event shaped America during the first half of the 19th century. As news spread of the discovery, thousands of gold miners, murchants, and people that wanted to start a new life traveled by sea and over land to california. by the end of 1849, population of the California was over 100,000 people
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    in 1850 harriet beacher stowe moved to Maine and in her response to the fegitive slave act she wrote a book called Uncle Tom's Cabin it was her most celbirated book and it had real life twist and turns and it showed the curities of being a slave
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas is the term used to described the period of violence during the settling of the Kansas territory. In 1854 the Kansas-Nebraksa Act overturned the Missouri Compromise’s so alot of people got angry and started to rebal and riot and things got viloent
  • Brown v. the board of education

    Brown v. the board of education
    The NACCP’s strategy was to show that separate schools were un equal in the early 1950s five school segregation cases came together called the brown v. the board of education the brown comes from a 7 year old African American girl who lived in Kansas that lived near a white school but the black one was across town so her father sued the school so she could go to the closer school on May 17 1954 the supreme court and they made segregation in schools and other public facilities illegal
  • the death of elvis

    the death of elvis
    by the mid 1970s elvis was in declining phyiscal and mental health. in 1773 he had a dangerous dependance on perscription drugs he was also addicted to junk food and started to gain weight on the after noon of august 16, 1977 he was found uncoscios in the greenland mansion and was pronuced dead
  • 9/11

    terrorist took control of 4 us airliners and aimed at DC world trade center and the pentagon. 2 of the planes struck the world trade centers and 1 of them hit the pentagon and the other landed in a field in Pennsylvania. people came together and other foreign countries came together to help America