Freedom of speech

United States First Amendment TimeLine

By kianL
  • Religious Freedom?

    Religious Freedom?
    In 1663, the new charter of Rhode Island grants religious freedom. The charter was created to provide a founding government and outline freedoms in the colony such as Religious freedoms. Link:
  • Letter Concerning Toleration

    Letter Concerning Toleration
    John Locke’s Letter Concerning Toleration is published in 1689 which deals with religion. George Mason’s proposal provides that “all Men should enjoy the fullest toleration in the exercise of religion.”
  • Full Liberty

    Full Liberty
    In 1708, Connecticut passed the first dissenter statute that allows "Full liberty of workship," This was important to the 1st ammendment because liberty is all parts of the five freedoms.
  • Peter Zenger Case

    Peter Zenger Case
    The Peter Zenger Case was a trial case that was in court for the reason being that Zenger is being trialed for publishing criticism on the Royal Governer. This case soon lead to the freedom of the press.
  • Other info..

    Other info..
    Eighteen Baptists are jailed in Massachusetts for refusing to pay taxes that support the Congregational church in 1774 relates to the first ademendment due to the five freedoms but not religion.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    In Virginia of July of 1776, the House of Burgesses passed the Declaration of Indpendence. In this Constitution it also includes the Bill of Rights. Link:
  • Period: to

    The First Amendment Timeline

  • Virgina Ordiance of Religious Freedom

    Virgina Ordiance of Religious Freedom
    In Jan, 1786 Thomas Jerfference wrote The Virgina statue which is a statement about freedom and the principle of seperation of church and state. This important statement by Jefferson helps protect religious freedom of the first admendment.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance
    In 1787, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance which established guidelines for colonization of new land. The Northwest Ordinance also provides "Religion, morality, and knowledge towards a good government.
  • The Federlaist Papers leads to Freedom of the Press?

    The Federlaist Papers leads to Freedom of the Press?
    The Federalist Papers are 85 essays written by Alexander Hamiltion, James Madison and John Jay are trying to make ratifying the consititution happen. Alexander Hmailton in one of his essays he wrote about Freedom of the Press and how the press should be perserved because of it's importance. Link:
  • Bill of Rights...

    Bill of Rights...
    The Bill of Rights couldn't be offically passed without a certain number of states to approve the 10 amendments. Virgina the 11th state to approved of the amendments leading to ratifying the Bill of Rights. Link:
  • On Liberty

    On Liberty
    On Libery was written by John Staurt Mill is about the importance of the society and the freedom of human nature. His essay is an argument about the freedom of speech and knowledge. Link:
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    Frederick Douglass was one of the main influential people of the 1800's because of what he believed in. He does talk about the freedom of speech and press and it's importance of establishment in the U.S. Quoted from Douglass "To surpress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well of those of the speaker." Link: