Raise the rainbow

Equal Rights for The Canadian LGBTQ Community

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    The first document to establish the principle that everybody- including the king- is subject to the law.
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    Cultural expression- Philosophical

    According to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/egalitarianism/) egalitarianism is the philosophical perspective that asserts that “people should be treated as equals, should treat one another as equals, should relate as equals, or enjoy an equality of social status of some sort. Egalitarian doctrines tend to rest on a background idea that all human persons are equal in fundamental worth or moral status.”
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    Egalitarianism in Western culture

    In Western culture, egalitarianism first arose from the Christian doctrine that God loves all people equally. Egalitarianism has been the key doctrine in all human rights movements, from the development of democracy, to abolishing slavery, to votes for women, to Aboriginal rights, accessibility laws and workplace harassment legislation.
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    Guiding Question:

    How has egalitarianism influenced the lives of people in the LGBTQ community with respect to the cultural practices of marriage and family life?
  • The English Bill of Rights

    Stated that it is illegal for the crown to suspend or ignore the law or to use military force against their own people and insisted on due process in criminal trials-meaning the state can't imprison or execute people for political reasons. It also made adherence to the Bill of Rights a precondition for legitimately ruling.
  • The French Declaration on the Rights of Man and Citizen

    Asserts that all "men are born and remain free and equal in rights" of liberty, private property, personhood, and freedom from oppression. All citizens are equal before the law and have the right to participate in the making of laws. Guarantees freedom of religion and speech, and offices and positions are open to all citizens. Reflects Jean-Jacques Rousseau's idea that state represents the general will of the citizens and is accountable to the citizens.
  • The US Constitution and Bill of Rights

    The British violation of the civil rights of the colonists brought about the American revolution, or war of Independence. The United States Bill of Rights was adopted as a safe guard against possible tyranny of a central government against individual State and their citizens. Still it would be centuries until "all men are created equal" included women, minorities and LGBTQ citizens.
  • The Canadian Criminal Code

    The Canadian Criminal Code imposes the death penalty or life imprisonment for persons having same-sex sexual relationships.
  • The United Nations Charter

    The United Nations Charter, in response to the horrors of the Holocaust that killed 6 million Jews and 5 million Romani, homosexuals, disabled and others, calls for universal human rights standards
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is adopted by The United Nations, stating: “Recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice, and peace in the world.”
  • Everett Lippert

    Everett Lippert is sent to prison indefinitely as a “dangerous sex offender” because he admits to being gay
  • Pierre Trudeau's contribution

    Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau proposes amendments to the Criminal Code saying “There’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation.”
  • Amendments to the Criminal Code Passes

    Trudeau’s amendments to the Criminal Code pass, decriminalizing homosexuality in Canada.
  • First Gay Rights March

    First Gay Rights March
    Canada’s first Gay rights march takes place in Ottawa. Everett Lippert is released.
  • Homosexuality is Decriminalized

    Homosexuality in Canada is decriminalized under the Canadian Criminal Code.
  • Sexual orientation is included in Human Rights Code

    Quebec becomes first province to include sexual orientation in its Human Rights Code.
  • Canadian Immigration Act

    The new Canadian Immigration Act removes homosexuals from the list of inadmissible people
  • The HIV/AIDS crisis

    The HIV/AIDS crisis brings public attention to the gay community, increasing understanding and support for gay rights
  • The 3000 people protest

    Over 300 men are arrested in bath house raids in Toronto. The next day 3000 people protest.
  • The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

    The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms comes into effect, becoming the basis for future court decisions and legislation
  • The Addition to the Humans Rights Code.

    Ontario adds sexual orientation as prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Code.
  • The Canadian Human Rights Commission rules

    The Canadian Human Rights Commission rules that same-sex couples and their children should be considered a “family” and recommends that “sexual orientation” be added to the Canadian Human Rights Act.
  • Protection for sexual orientation

    Protection for sexual orientation
    The Supreme Court rules that Section 15 of the Charter of Rights includes protection for sexual orientation
  • First province to make it legal

    First province to make it legal
    Ontario becomes the first province to make it legal for same-sex couples to adopt.
  • The addition of sexual orientation to the Canadian Human Rights aAct.

    The federal government passes Bill C-33, adding “sexual orientation” to the Canadian Human Rights Act. The Supreme Court of Canada rules that same-sex couples should have the same rights and access as opposite-sex common-law couples.
  • Denying equal benefits to same-sex couples is unconstitutional

    The Supreme Court rules that any law that denies equal benefits to same-sex couples is unconstitutional.
  • The introduction to Bill C-23

    The Federal Government introduces Bill C-23, giving same-sex couples who have lived together for more than a year the same rights and access as other common-law couples. Ontario’s first same-sex couples are married by the Metropolitan Community Church in Toronto. The Ontario government insists that the marriages will not be legally recognized.
  • The collection of statistics about same-sex partnerships

    The collection of statistics about same-sex partnerships
    Statistics Canada begins collecting data about same-sex partnerships
  • Ontario's superior court recognizes same-sex marriages

    Ontario Superior Court recognizes same-sex marriages under the law. Canada changes its immigration policy to include same-sex couples.
  • The legalization of same-sex marriages

    Ontario and British Columbia are the first provinces to legalize same-sex marriages.
  • The progression of legalizing same-sex marriages

    Quebec, Yukon Territories, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador legalize same-sex marriages.
  • Same-sex couples being on a child's birth certificate

    Ontario’s birth registry is challenged, enabling the names of 2 same-sex parents to appear on a child’s birth certificate.
  • New Brunswick's contribution

    New Brunswick legalizes same-sex marriage.
  • Forcing same-sex marriage throughout all of Canada

    Forcing same-sex marriage throughout all of Canada
    Bill C-38 giving same-sex couples the right to marry in Canada becomes law, including in Alberta, PEI, Nunavut and NWT which had not legalized same-sex marriage on their own.
  • First Canadian census on legally married same-sex couples

    The first Canadian census to collect data on legally married same-sex couples. There were 45,000 declared same-sex couples in Canada, and 16.5% of those were married.
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    Egalitarianism to the LGBTQ community

    Egalitarianism particularly relates to the struggle for members of the LGBTQ community to access equal rights in terms of marriage and family law because of the history of discrimination and persecution that had to be overcome. The increasingly growing umbrella of equal rights has made it possible for LGBTQ people to have the same right to marry and have a family as everyone else already enjoys.
  • Increased amount of same-sex couples from 2006-2016

    Increased amount of same-sex couples from 2006-2016
    Census data shows there were 72,880 declared same-sex couples and 33.4% of those were married, a tripling of the number of same-sex marriages between 2006-16.
  • All families are equal act in Ontario

    Ontario passes the All Families Are Equal Act, ensuring that couples who use sperm donors or a surrogate are legally recognized as parents