
Religion in U.S. History

  • Virginia Colony Formed

    Virginia Colony Formed
    The largest of the colonies, formed by Sir Walter Raleigh
    It was largely a base for the Church of England within the United States.
    Its legislative body "House of Burgesses" was the first representative body and established the principle of representative government
  • House of Burgesses formed

    House of Burgesses formed
    First example of a representative government within North America. Formed in Virginia as a means of colonial government.
  • Massachussets Colony Founded

    Massachussets Colony Founded
    Puritans seeking to escape persecution from the Church of England.
    Established the Mayflower Compact, a document which established their society. Gave an example on which the Constitution could be based upon.
  • Maryland Colony Founded

    Maryland Colony Founded
    Served as a haven for Catholics who were persecuted by Protestant England.
  • Rhode Island Colony Formed

    Rhode Island Colony Formed
    Bought by Roger Williams who was persecuted from Salem Massachussets and sought religious freedom.
    Anne Hutchinson also sought refuge in Masaschussets after being exiled for her strong religious convictions.
  • Acts of Toleration passed in Maryland

    Acts of Toleration passed in Maryland
    Acts of Toleration were passed within Maryland, and gave religious freedom to all Christians.
    Acts of Toleration created the basis for the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights (Religious Freedom)
  • Pennsylvania Colony Formed

    Pennsylvania Colony Formed
    Formed by William Penn following the purchase of the land grant from King Charles II
    A goverment system was formed and set the basis for our goverment today
  • Frame of Government (Pennsylvania) created

    Frame of Government (Pennsylvania) created
    The constitution for the proprietory colony of Pennsylvania it established a provincial council and a general assembly which began to establish the principle of representative goverment within the United States
  • Act of Toleration in Virginia

    Act of Toleration in Virginia
    Established by the Parliament of England, established the Freedom of religion within Virginia
    Emphasized the freedom of religion within the colonies and later led to the 1st Amendment
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    In the highly Calvanist town of Salem, Massachusetts, young women were accused of being witches and were sentenced to death.
  • Period: to

    First Great Awakening

    A period of increased religious activity within the colonies sparked by George Whitefield
    Proved as a unifying factor under the hardships of the colonies, leading to the unification they shared during the American Revolution
    Led to a rise in African American rights as they were converted, free or slave, during the movement.
    Provided an emphasis on the emotion of religion
  • George Whitefield advocates slavery

    George Whitefield advocates slavery
    Following the outlaw of slavery in Georgia, George Whitefield emphasized the need for slave labor to the work force in Georgia
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    American Rebellion against the British in order to attain their freedom.
    Religion served as a unifying factor for the Americas.
    The unification of America under a moral opposition to the British.
    Emphasis on religious prosperity following the war led to positive attitudes and a step towards reconstruction of the nation.
  • Decleration of Independence Ratified

    Decleration of Independence Ratified
    The decleration of Independence alludes to religion in many ways.
    But as the decleration does not have an impact on the laws and regulations in America it did effect the seperation of church and state.
  • Period: to

    Slavery within the United States

    Slavery in America began in the colonial times and extended unto the emancipation proclamation. Most of the slaves brought to the America's were followers of the religion Islam, but were converted to Christianity. The abolishonist movement was promoted largly by religoius figures.
  • United States Constitution is adopted

    United States Constitution is adopted
    The constitution was the first example of the seperation of church and state within the U.S.
    In Article 6 Clause 3: it denies religion as a qualification for office.
  • Period: to

    Antebellum Period

    The Antebellum time in which religious figures played a large part in an abolishonist movement in addition to a temperence movement.
  • Bill of Rights is ratified

    Bill of Rights is ratified
    The bill of rights was document added onto the Constitution that provided the first 10 amendments.
    It established the principle of religious freedom within the United States.
  • Thomas Paine publishes The Age of Reason

    Thomas Paine publishes The Age of Reason
    The Age of Reason advocated the seperation of church and state.
    It supported Thomas Pain's religious view of deism but the view of deism was widly opposed in America.
  • Treaty of Tripoli signed

    Treaty of Tripoli signed
    Concluded the war with the Barbary pirates.
    Article 11 of the treaty expresses the seperation of Church and State within the United States: "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..."
    Shows the seperation of Church and States within American goverment.
  • Period: to

    Second Great Awakening

    A movement which revived religious attitudes in 18th century America.
    Circuit Riders (ministers that went around the country preaching) sought to emphasize religion in people's lives, leading to the unification of the country, once again, under religion.
    Led to the emergence of Evangelicalism as a prominant national religion.
    Led to Prohibition within the coming 19th century
    Increased the concern over slavery and led America towards the civil war.
    A return of women to the cult of domesticity.
  • Star Spangled Banner Written

    Star Spangled Banner Written
    Written by Francis Scott Key, it later becomes the National Anthem. It emphasizes the phrase "In God We Trust" as it later becomes our National motto.
  • Irish Potato Famine

    Irish Potato Famine
    The Great Famine created harsh conditions for Irish within Ireland. It promoted mass immigration from Ireland to the U.S. Along with the Irish came a strong catholic presence.
  • "In God We Trust" on coins

    "In God We Trust" on coins
    In God We Trust became a more commonly accepted motto for America as the void between Church and State once again narrowed.
  • Anti-Defamation League created

    Anti-Defamation League created
    The Anti-Deflamation League was created in response to the lynching of Leo Frank. Its goals were to eliminate anti-Sematic sentiments in America and protect Jewish Americans.
  • Period: to

    Peak of the KKK

    Protestant Christianity hate group that promoted Antisemitism and Anti-Catholic sentiments. Their religious views had a impact on their opinion on following a strict moral code and prohibition. The KKK forced their views upon others through violence.
  • 18th Amendment passed

    18th Amendment passed
    The amendment which set up prohibition within the United States. The temperence movement was driven by religious group who saw drunkness as a threat to the nation.
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    John Scopes teaching of Evolution within Tennessee violated the Butler Act.
    This trial pitted evolutionists against creationists.
    Scopes was eventually found guilty by the jury and forced to pay a fine.
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    A time period of great hardships for Jewish people in Europe as a result of Hitler's Jewish genocide in Germany. During this time there was a large amount of Jewish immigration to the U.S. creating Jewish communities. But as the Jewish people were ignored and people posed antisemetic views in America the Jewish people seperated themselves from Americans.
  • Everson v. Board of Education

    Everson v. Board of Education
    This landmark case over reimbursing parents less for attending a religious school was brought to the Supreme court.
    This expanded the seperation of church and state and also applied the first amendment to the due process clause of the 14th amendment.
  • Addition of "Under God" to Pledge of Allegiance

    Addition of "Under God" to Pledge of Allegiance
    The addition of under god within the Pledge of Alliegiance expressed the religious view of the majority of Americans during the time period.
  • John F. Kennedy sworn into office

    John F. Kennedy sworn into office
    The first Catholic president. Many protestants feared that his Catholic denomination would create problemes in leading the country as Catholic's follow the pope.
  • Malcolm X assassinated

    Malcolm X assassinated
    A lead advocator for black Muslims and the Nation of Islam, Malcom X was preparing to give a speech when he was shot multiple times by assailants.
  • Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case

    Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case
    Ruled that the 14th amendment of privacy extended to a women's right to an abortion. Many religious figures find abortion immoral and a sin. The religious community was appalled by the outcome of the case.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center
    Created large Anti-Muslim sentiments in America. Arab and Muslim immigrants were subject to misdirect discrimination and Muslim life in America became much harder.
  • Watchtower Society v. Village of Stratton

    Watchtower Society v. Village of Stratton
    A law in Stratton prevented people from soliciting door-to-door. This was a contested by the religious community as it disallowed them from preaching door-to-door. The supreme court ruled against the law, stating the 1st Amendment.
  • George Bush Elected for Second Term

    George Bush Elected for Second Term
    The election of George bush was largely based on religion as George Bush's Anti-gay sentiments and emphasis on moral religious values earned him a large portion of votes from religious people. His religious emphasis played a large part in winning him the election
  • McCollum v. Board of Education Dist. 71

    McCollum v. Board of Education Dist. 71
    Supreme court ruled that religious instruction in public schools favored one religion over another, going against the establishment clauses of the 1st Amendment.