Los tres estamentos

Eje cronológico de la 1ªEvaluación

  • Period: 1500 to

    Old regime

    The old regime was the social and economic political system in force in Europe in the 18th century characterized by having a stately society and an agrarian economy and the absolute monarchy as a form of government
  • Period: to

    John Locke

    The theories of the English thinker exerted great influence on the illustration. He argued that the State was the result of a pact between rulers and governed
  • Revolutions of 1642 and 1688

    Revolutions of 1642 and 1688
    They ended with the expulsion of the Stuart dynasty and the triumph of the parliamentary monarchy
  • 1689 Bill of Rights

    1689 Bill of Rights
    The king guarantees a series of rights and freedoms and indicated that the monarch could not pass laws create new taxes or verify it
  • Period: to


    Defender of the division of the powers of the State: the Legislative Power to be exercised by a representative parliament the Executive Power by the king and the judicial by independent judges
  • Period: to


    Supporter of a strong monarchy in which civil liberties are respected. He was a strong advocate of freedom of expression and rejected the bigotry and intolerance that he criticized harshly
  • Illustration

    An intellectual current of the 18th century that questioned the principles of the Old Regime
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    He was a Scottish mechanical engineer, inventor and chemist. The improvements made in the Newcomen machine resulted in the so-called water steam machine, which would be fundamental in the development of the first Industrial Revolution, both in the United Kingdom and in the rest of the world.1
  • king Jorge III

    king Jorge III
    he try to establish different laws regulating colonial taxes but the British colony unanswered boycotted British products
  • Steam machine

    Steam machine
    It was patented in 1769 by James Watt
  • The industrial Revolution

    The industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution meant the acceleration of economic growth in certain areas of the planet since the end of the 18th century. It explains the passage of an agricultural economy, a rural society to an industrial economy and an urban society thanks to the application of machines in industry and in the media. of transport and communication
  • Period: to

    First industrial revolution

  • Tea Riot

    Tea Riot
    In 1773 the British Parliament established the Tea Acts, which gave the monopoly of the sale of tea in the colonies to the English company of the East Indies. This measure hurt the American merchants who responded by attacking British ships loaded with tea in the port of Boston. This was the beginning of the War of Independence
  • Period: to

    The war of the independence

    The war between the American insurgents and the United Kingdom was long. The settlers led by George Washington were supported by France and Spain. After the decisive victory of the settlers in the battles of Saratoga and Yorktown has ended. The contest ended in the Peace of Versailles in which the United Kingdom and recognized the independence of the United States
  • Virginia Bill of Rights

    Virginia Bill of Rights
    1776 takes declines from the Declaration of Rights Destinia announcing the hello principle of national sovereignty vision of powers and suffrage
  • United States Declaration of Independence

    United States Declaration of Independence
    On July 4, 1776 the representatives of the Thirteen Colonies gathered at the Continental Congress of Philadelphia signed the Declaration of Independence of the United States
  • George stephenson

    George stephenson
    He was a British mechanical engineer and civil engineer who built the world's first public railway line that used steam locomotives (Stockton-Darlington, 1825) 1 and the first railway line with passenger transport that used steam locomotives (Canterbury-Withstable, 1830). Known as the "father of the railroads", he completely designed the first modern railway line (Liverpool-Manchester, 1830), 2 as well as its rolling stock and locomotives.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a social and political conflict, with various periods of violence, which convulsed France and, by extension of its implications, to other nations of Europe that faced supporters and opponents of the system known as the Old Regime.
  • Period: to

    The Girondine Convention

    a moderate and federalist political group of the Legislative Assembly and the French National Convention, which was composed of several deputies from Gironde. They belonged, for the most part, to the provincial bourgeoisie of the great coastal ports.
    The main leaders are Brissot and Roland. Thus, contemporaries speak essentially of Brissotinos and Rolandistas or Rolandinos.
  • The constitution of 1795

    The constitution of 1795
    The Constitution of year III is the text established by the Directory during the French Revolution. It was approved by referendum on the 5th of fructidor of year III (August 22, 1795), and has as a preamble the Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man and Citizen of 1795.
  • Period: to

    The population increase

    Throughout the 19th century, the growth of the European population accelerated in Europe from about 203 million inhabitants in 1800 to 408 in 1900 were fundamentally the decline in mortality and the birth rate remained high
  • Steam-powered ships

    Steam-powered ships
    1807 the missing American created the first commercial line with steam-powered ships
  • Pierre Joseph Proudhon

    Pierre Joseph Proudhon
    He was a French political and revolutionary philosopher and, together with Bakunin, Kropotkin and Malatesta, one of the fathers of anarchist thought and its first economic trend, mutualism.
  • The steam locomotive

    The steam locomotive
    In 1814 the Englishman George Stephenson built a steam locomotive these new transports had a strong economic impact
  • Mijail Bakunin

    Mijail Bakunin
    He was a Russian anarchist. He is possibly the best known of the first generation of anarchist philosophers and is considered one of the parents of this thought, within which he defended the collectivist thesis and atheism. Initially he was a supporter of Palestinian and narodnichestvo (Russian populism)
  • Period: to

    the Restoration

    After the defeat of Napoleon, an era of restoration denomination fraction characterized by monarchical legitimacy begins in Europe. That it was the monarchs of the Old Regime returned to power as if the French Revolution had not happened. The international responsibility. It was established that the great powers could intervene in other countries and Congress system. They organized meetings of the great powers to solve international problems
  • Karl marx

    Karl marx
    He was a philosopher, economist, sociologist, journalist, intellectual and Prussian communist militant of Jewish origin. In his vast and influential work he covers different fields of thought in philosophy, history, political science, sociology and economics ; although he did not limit his work only to research, he also ventured into the practice of journalism and politics, always proposing in his thinking a union between theory and practice
  • The first revolutionary wave

    The first revolutionary wave
    The first revolutionary wave began in Spain where 1820s irrigation commander produced the absolute monarchy of Ferdinand seventh so began a stage of liberal government in which the king had to govern respecting the Constitution of 1812 this period ended with the intervention of the Holy Alliance by army they invaded Spain and restore absolutism
  • Friedrich engels

    Friedrich engels
    He was a philosopher, sociologist, journalist, revolutionary and German communist and socialist theorist. Engels was the son of the owner of a major textile factory in Manchester, England. Friend and collaborator of Karl Marx, he co-authored with this work such as The situation of the working class in England (1845) and the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), fundamental for the birth of Marxism and the communist and socialist movements and union.
  • Period: to

    Revolution of the Greeks

    1821 the Greeks revolted against the Ottoman Empire and achieved their independence in 1829
  • The second revolutionary wave

    The second revolutionary wave
    In 1830 the second revolutionary wave began in France where Carlos Tenth had tried to govern absolutely, was defeated and succeeded by Luis Felipe de Orleans who implanted a liberal monarchy
  • Thomas alva edison

    Thomas alva edison
    He was an entrepreneur. He developed many devices that have had great influence around the world, such as the phonograph, the film camera or a long-lasting incandescent bulb. Nicknamed "The Wizard of Menlo Park," Edison was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of chain production and large-scale teamwork to the invention process, which is why the creation of the first laboratory is recognized. Industrial research.4
  • Revolutions of 1848

    Revolutions of 1848
    The revolutions of 1848 affect many countries, in addition to liberal and nationalist ideas, the social demands of the popular classes were important, and in some places they also had a democratic component since universal male suffrage was claimed
  • Period: to

    Second industrial revolution

  • The car

    The car
  • the plane

    the plane
    The first flight was in 1903