Age of Discovery Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus finds the Americas

    Christopher Columbus finds the Americas
    In late 1492 Christopher Columbus set out in search of a route to India, China, and Japan. He instead, landed in the Caribbean. This opened an era of exploration and voyages in the "new world", also began the demolition of the native cultures that were already settled in those areas.
  • May 20, 1498

    Vasco de Gama arrives to India from Southern Africa

    Vasco de Gama arrives to India from Southern Africa
    Vasco De Gama left Portugal in July 1997 with 3 ships being led by De Gama, his brother, and allies, They traveled down from Portugal and sailed along the bottom coast of Africa and reach India with help from a navigator to get across the Indian Ocean. Upon arrival to India, they presented their goods to the king of Calicut, he was unimpressed with their goods. They stayed for a few months observing their culture then returned back to Portugal as many died on their journey.
  • 1500

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral sails to South America

    Pedro Alvarez Cabral sails to South America
    Cabral set out from Portugal in hopes to take the same path to India as De Gama, him and his ships went too far southeast and landed in Brazil, they stayed for about 14 days as they stayed and tried to interact with the Natives. He eventually made it to India, then returned to Portugal and talked about what he learned. Pedro Alvarez Cabral is credited to the founding of Brazil, as he brought the Portuguese language that is spoken there today.
  • May 1, 1501

    Amerigo Vespucci completes voyages to the new world.

    Amerigo Vespucci completes voyages to the new world.
    In May of 1499 Amergio sailed from Spain with 2-4 ships and sailed down to the east coast of South America. They explored about Brazil and Argentina, they recorded their foundings of wildlife and natives. He returned to Spain and met with the king of Portugal and left again for Brazil and he concluded that it was not India like many thought, but a new world, which was then named the Americas, after Amergio Vespucci
  • 1503

    Mundus Novus ("New World") is Published

    Mundus Novus ("New World") is Published
    Amerigo Vespucci writes a pamphlet based on his discoveries which was then published in 1503 in a book called Mundus Novus, that was written originally in Latin, which translates to New world. This book is questioned by experts saying that it is exaggerated and somewhat fictional.
  • Nov 7, 1504

    Columbus completes 3 more trips to the Newfoundland

    Columbus completes 3 more trips to the Newfoundland
    Columbus voyaged 3 more times, where his troops attempted to conquer the land and people, and were presented with retaliation from natives as they defended themselves. They enslaved and captured many of them. Columbus then went to colonize and become the new governor of the southern islands he claimed. They returned to Spain in 1504 after he tried to attempt to reach Asia again but were stopped by a storm which led them to have to stop in Portugal where they repaired and return to Spain.
  • 1507

    Universalis Cosmographia

    Universalis Cosmographia
    Germany cartographer Martin Waldseemüller created a wooden cut of 12 sheets of paper. and was the first to use "America" mapped and labeled. He chose to name it after Amerigo Vespucci, this also changed the belief that the world was separated into 3 parts, Europe, Africa, and Asia
  • 1513

    Juan Ponce de Leon lands in Florida

    Juan Ponce de Leon lands in Florida
    Juan Ponce de Leon set sails from Spain to Puerto Rico and finds a settlement and becomes the governor of Puerto Rico, but is quickly replaced the following year. He leaves in search of gold and lands he lands in Florida and gives it its name because of the amount of vegetation. "La Florida" "the flowered one" in Spanish. he travels a long the entire coast of Florida, he leaves in 1512, sailing back to PR, then back to Spain
  • 1521

    Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates around the globe

    Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates around the globe
    Ferdinand Magellan sailed from Spain in 1519 in search of a route to the spice islands (Asia) from the west around south America. He traveled up the coast of Chile and was faced with harsh weather conditions and with little rations left. he successfully made it to the Philippians where he was then murdered during battle. He is recognized as brave in his journey leading his troops through rough waters, and creating the Magellan strait route.
  • 1521

    Francisco Gordillo and Pedro de Quejo explore and capture natives from South Carolina

    Francisco Gordillo and Pedro de Quejo explore and capture natives from South Carolina
    Gordillo was a "Slave hunter" hired by Lucas Vasquez de Allyon to capture Alves from the Bahamas to use in America to find gold. Him and Pedro de Quejo did not make it to the Bahams but to South Caroline, North Carolina, and Virginia coasts, and brought about 60 slaves back to Spain.
  • 1526

    Lucas Vasquez de Allyon created the first known European settlement

    Lucas Vasquez de Allyon created the first known European settlement
    After a native salve "Francisco de Chicora" was returned to Spain, Vasquez de Allyon was enamored by his storytelling of his homeland, he decided to take a ship and sail to South Carolina. He founded the town of San Miguel of Guadalupe in September of 1526. This settlement didn't last long and Vasquez de Allyon soon passed, but his son and future descendants claimed the area.
  • 1528

    Panfilo de Narvaez sails to Florida

    Panfilo de Narvaez sails to Florida
    Panfilo de Narvaez was sent to Florida to explore along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico up to Florida and try to conquer as much land inward. once they reach to Florida they were separated from their ship of resources which ended up back in Spain. They tried to travel down towards Mexico but they went down in the rough waters, de Narvaez died. A few men who survived eventually made it to Mexico to tell the their story about their journey about 10 years later.
  • Apr 20, 1534

    Jacques Cartier sails to and around Canada

    Jacques Cartier sails to and around Canada
    In April of 1534 Cartier deported from Saint Malo to America to find a Asia passage and he sailed around the entire Gulf and explored St. Lawrence river. After returning to France in September he went back to North America and landed in Canada and tried to establish a French colony but failed. He also kidnapped some and brought them back to France.
  • 1538

    Hernando de Soto explored the southern half of the U.S

    Hernando de Soto explored the southern half of the U.S
    After conquering the Incan empire and taking they're riches, he was named governor of Cuba. Herandno de Soto travels to Florida, taking with him 600 men, horses, and pigs. He explored the southern half of the U.S, he also encountered the Mississippi Rivers. He also brought diseases to North America from Spain and it began killing the natives.
  • 1541

    Jacques Cartier establishes Charlesbourg-Royal

    Jacques Cartier establishes Charlesbourg-Royal
    on this 3rd voyage to North America with Rocque de Roberval in March 1541, on a mission to establish a colony they named Charlesbourg-Royal near now Quebec City. They though they found precious metals but were wrong, and their relationships with the natives were bad at this point so they tried to return to France in 1542 with many efforts because Rocque Roberval was demanded to stay.
  • 1542

    La Relación by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Is published

    La Relación by Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Is published
    After being shipwrecked on an island off the coast of Texas and being there for 6 years, living with the natives, they decided to make the trip to reach Mexico, which took another 2 years, with the help of natives and other explorers. They eventually made it back to Spain and published a book about they're journey and the Texas native lifestyle.
  • 1559

    De Luna Expedition

    De Luna Expedition
    Tristan De Luna set out on a mission to establish a colony on the Gulf Coast in South Carolina, he named it Ochuse Bay in today's Pensacola Bay in Florida. The settlement failed because the shipment of their resources was struck in a storm. This forced de Luna and his men to go up into Alabama for resources, he was eventually replaced because of his poor leadership.
  • 1562

    Jean Ribault establishes Charlesfort

    Jean Ribault establishes Charlesfort
    Jean Ribault and was on a mission to create a colony, They landed in Florida and made their way up to South Carolina and established Charlesfort, he returned to France to gather more supplies but was delayed due to warfare. The colonists in Charlesfort abandoned the site, Ribault escaped to England but was imprisoned for refusing to assist. He was released in 1565 where he was faced with Pedro Menéndez who was sent from Spain to conquer the french colonies. Ribault was murdered by Menendez.
  • 1578

    Francis Drake becomes first Englishman to sail around the globe

    Francis Drake becomes first Englishman to sail around the globe
    Drake was appointed by Queen Elizabeth I to set up English trading posts in the pacific which he accepted but had his own plans to continue his work of raiding Spanish ship and stealing from them. He sets sails across the Atlantic into Brazil and goes up the Magellan strait and crosses south america he then continues raiding ships in Chile and Peru then eventually makes it to the Indonesian Islands, then back to England. His journey gave England sea advantage due to his expidition.
  • Walter Raleigh establishes the Roanoke colony

    Walter Raleigh establishes the Roanoke colony
    in 1584 Raleigh landed in North Carolina and created the Roanoke colony and gathered things and brought them back to England, soon after, they all return back to Roanoke with hundreds of more people and materials to rise the colony. John white, a man who was in control of the returning ships, went to England for supplies and when he returned he found the colony had disappeared. And is now knows as the "Mysterious Lost Colony of Roanoke"