220px tangled poster


By 1058114
  • The Queen gives birth.

    The Queen gives birth.
    The Queen gets sick while she gives birth. The knights in her kingdom retrieve the magic flower that holds the nectar to revive her. It keeps her alive! -Exposition
  • Every year they release lanterns.

    Every year they release lanterns.
    The king and queen hold an event where they release paper lanterns for Rapunzel's birthday throughout the whole entire land. -Exposition
  • Mother Gothel suddenly appears.

    She comforts Rapunzel and lets her think that Eugene is the bad guy when really, she was the one that set this all up. - Falling acton
  • Rapunzel is the King and Queen's daughter

    Rapunzel is the King and Queen's daughter
    Rapunzel is a baby and she's the prinecss. The magic carries down from the mom to her. She holds the magic in her hair. - Rising action
  • Rapunzel leaves with Mother Gothel.

    She goes back to the tower with Mother Gothel and is sad. -Exposition
  • Mother Gothel steals Rapunzel

    Mother Gothel steals Rapunzel
    Mother Gothel tries to cut off a lock of Rapunzel's hair, but fails. She realizes that it's can't be cut off and decides to kidnap Rapunzel instead. - Conflict
  • Rapunzel now lives in a tower with Mother Gothel.

    Rapunzel now lives in a tower with Mother Gothel.
    Rapunzel has her buddy Pascal and she thinks that Mother Gothel is her birth mother. She doesn't know that she's the princess. - Exposition
  • Mother Gothel is angry.

    She's angry so she takes Rapunzel and ties her up. - Conflict
  • Rapunzel's birthday is tomorrow.

    Rapunzel's birthday is tomorrow.
    She has been cooped up in that tower her whole life, she wants to be able to go outside and see the lanterns that always come out on her birthday in live action. - Rising action
  • Meanwhile, Eugene is currently in jail at the kingdom.

    Maximus fetches his ruffian friends to help get him out. - Rising action
  • They get him out!

    Eugene escapes along wit Maximus and Maximus rides him all the way to Rapunzel's castle so he can confess to her and tell her that everything that happened was a misunderstanding. - Falling action
  • Rapunzel asks Mother Gothel if she can go see the "stars".

    Rapunzel asks Mother Gothel if she can go see the "stars".
    Mother Gothel refuses. - Conflict
  • Mother Gothel leaves for 3 days.

    Mother Gothel leaves for 3 days.
    Rapuznel asks if she can get her this special paint she wanted and Mother Gothel says yes. It's a far trip that will take 3 days. - Falling action
  • Meanwhile, Flynn Rider is getting chased by knights.

    Meanwhile, Flynn Rider is getting chased by knights.
    Him and his bandit friends stole the crown from the castle and are not being chased. - Rising action
  • Flynn runs into the tower.

    Flynn runs into the tower.
    He climbs in and gets smacked with a pan by Rapunzel. - Climax
  • Rapunzel ties him up!

    Rapunzel ties him up!
    She's wondering what his deal is. She tries to get info out of him and Pascal helps. - Rising action
  • Rapunzel tells Flynn about the "stars".

    Rapunzel tells Flynn about the "stars".
    He tells her that they are lanterns and that they come out every year for the princess's birthday. She makes a deal with him. If he takes her out to see the lanterns, she'll give him back the satchel with the crown that he stole. - Resolution
  • Rapunzel escapes the tower.

    Rapunzel escapes the tower.
    She steps outside for the first time and is taken back by everything! She's enjoying it and is also indecisive about how to feel about it. -Rising action
  • Rapunzel and Flynn run into an old restaurant.

    Rapunzel and Flynn run into an old restaurant.
    They run into ruffians and eventually burst out into a song about their dreams! - Rising action
  • Mother Gothel sees.

    Mother Gothel sees.
    She hears all this ruckus and sees Rapunzel through the window singing. - Conflict
  • Maximus (knight's horse) sniffs out Flynn

    Maximus (knight's horse) sniffs out Flynn
    He comes inside the restaurant and tries to find Flynn.
  • The knights see Flynn.

    The knights see Flynn.
    They chase them both out into this waterfall like area. - Climax
  • They escape into a cave like area.

    They escape into a cave like area.
    Rapunzel uses her hair as a rope and swings them all the way down and they go into a cave like area because a flood is happening from the water. - Resolution
  • They're stuck in the cave.

    They're stuck in the cave.
    Flynn tells Rapunzel his real name and Rapunzel tells him about her magic hair. - Rising action & Conflict
  • The cave starts to get flooded with water.

    It gets really dark so Rapunzel sings to make her magic hair glow so they can see in the dark. - Climax
  • Flynn gets them out!

    They exit out of the cave through a little passageway and make it outside! Flynn is so surprised with Rapunzel's hair. - Resolution
  • Eugene and Rapunzel are bonding.

    They sit around on logs with Pascal and start talking and bonding. Rapunzel sings again and shows him how her hair glows. -Rising action
  • Flynn walks off to get more wood and suddenly Mother Gothel appears.

    She's mad at Rapunzel. While all of that happened she made a deal with the bandits that Flynn was dealing with earlier. She tries to convince Rapunzel to come back by telling her that Flynn is just going to leave her side in the end. - Climax
  • Rapunzel sticks up for herself.

    She tells Mother Gothel that she believes in Flynn and that he wouldn't do that to her. Mother Gothel is baffled and leaves. -Falling action
  • Flynn comes back.

    Him and Rapunzel walk along and find themselves in the village. (castle area) - Rising action
  • Flynn and Rapunzel are enjoying them!

    They're having fun! They're laughing, dancing, eating, and just overall having a great time. Rapunzel really likes it here. - Rising action
  • Flynn and Rapunzel go on a boat ride.

    They go on a romantic boat ride and things seem to be heating up! The lanterns come out! -Rising action
  • Eugene sees his old bandits off in the distance.

    He rows the boat all the way towards them and tells Rapunzel not to worry. -Rising action
  • Eugene gives back the satchel to the bandits.

    He realizes that he doesn't care for it and he just wants Rapunzel. -Climax
  • The bandits don't care for the satchel anymore.

    They think Rapunzel is more valuble and go after her instead. But first, they tie Eugene up to the boat and send it off to make it look like he's leaving her. - Climax
  • Rapunzel sees.

    Rapunzel is upset because she sees Eugene off in the distance in the boat and think that he's leaving her. - Climax
  • Rapunzel is back in her tower.

    Mother Gothel sees that she's upset and tries to cheer her up by offering to make her favorite food. - Rising action
  • Rapunzel lays down and recognizes something familiar.

    She sees the kingdom logo on her ceiling and she recognizes it from the village and has deja vu! She knows something is up. She confronts Mother Gothel. - Climax
  • Mother Gothel and Rapunzel get into a heated argument.

    Rapunzel confronts Mother Gothel and is looking for some answers. Rapunzel knows that she's the lost princess but Mother Gothel is denying it. Rapunzel pushes her away. - Climax
  • Eugene gets to the tower.

    Eugene asks Rapunzel to let down her hair so that he can climb up. - Rising action
  • Eugene waits and doesn't hear or see anything happen.

    He waits for her to let her down her hair and she doesn't.. - Rising action Finally hair falls down! - Resoltion
  • As Eugene climbs into the tower, something unexpected happens.

    Mother Gothel stabs him!!! - Climax
  • Rapunzel is appalled!

    She can't stand that that happened to Eugene. She makes a deal with Mother Gothel. If she lets her heal Eugene with her hair, she'll stay with Mother Gothel forever. - Falling action
  • Mother Gothel agrees.

    As Rapunzel is just about to heal Eugene.. He cuts off all of her hair, thus letting all the magic go away. He doesn't want Rapunzel to live with Mother Gothel. - Climax
  • Mother Gothel turns into dust and dies.

    Without the magic, she's nothing! She dies. - Resolution
  • Eugene dies..

    Eugene dies and Rapunzel is heartbroken. She tries to revive him with her hair but nothing's happening. - Climax
  • Rapunzel cries over him.

    The tear that drops out of her eye revives him.. It turns out that she had some of the magic in her! - Falling actin
  • Eugene comes back to life!!

    EUGENE IS ALIVE! They kiss! :) - Resolution
  • Eugene takes Rapunzel back to the castle.

    Rapunzel meets her parents and they reunite. - Rising action
  • Alls well that ends well! Everybody lives happily every after.

    The kingdom is happy and everyone that lives in it is happy! The princess is back where she belongs and everything is in good spirits. - Resolution and end