Death of Felipe II (1598)
Entrhonement of Felipe III (1598)
Period: to
Duque de Lerma as valido of Felipe III (1598-1618)
The Spanish Court was located in Valladolid (1601)
The Spanish Court was located Madrid (1606)
Period: to
Twelve Years' Truce (1609-1621)
Period: to
Expelling of the Moriscos (1609-1610)
Period: to
Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)
Defenestration of Prague (1618)
Period: to
Duque de Uceda as valido of Felipe III (1618-1621)
Death of Felipe III (1621)
Enthronement of Felipe IV (1621)
Period: to
Conde-Duque de Olivares as valido of Felipe IV (1621-1643)
Period: to
Salt Tax Revolt in Vizcaya (1631-1634)
Period: to
Franco-Spanish War (1635-1659)
Period: to
Rebellion of Cataluña (1640-1652)
Period: to
Rebellion of Portugal (1640-1668)
Corpus de Sangre (June the 7th of 1640)
Medina Sidonia's Conspiracy in Andalucía (1641)
Conde-Duque de Olivares was sacked as valido by Felipe IV (January 17th 1643)
Battle of Rocroi (May 19th 1643)
Treaty of Münster (1648)
Peace of Westfalia (1648)
Peace of the Pyrenees (1659)
Death of Felipe IV (1665)
Period: to
Regency of Mariana de Austria and Cardinal Nithard (1665-1675)
Peace of Nimega. Independence of The Netherlands from Monarquía Hispánica (1668)
Treaty of Lisbon. Independence of Portugal from Monarquía Hispánica (1668)
Entrhonement of Carlos II (1675)
Period: to
Duque de Medinaceli as valido of Carlos II (1679-1691)
Second rebellion of the Germanías (1693)
Motín de los gatos in Madrid (1699)
Death of Carlos II (1700)