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    Charles II

    Charles before being the king of Spain, he was living in an exile because of his father`s execution. Later he became de king of England in 1661.
    At that moment, in The Restoration agreedment he was given an army in order to eliminate the responsables of his father´s execution. In exchange Chrales II agreed to honor the Petition Right.
    In general, Charles II was a disaster, was more skilled in surviving adversity than governing.
    Unfortunately, he died without any descendants.
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    The War of The Spanish Succesion

    When Charles II died, it arosed The War of The Spanish Succesion, in which they disputed about the throne of Spain.
    The grand alliance of the Hague was formed between the United Provinces, England and Emperor Leopold I, the one who declared the War (War of The Spanish Succesion).
    In this war the countries that were involved: Italy, France and Belguim; where they was victorious (in the siege of Lille)
    As we know, later it come the Treaty of Utrecht, where the peace come by the hand of Lous XIV.
  • Treaty of Utrech

    Treaty of Utrech
    Treaty of Utrecht also called Peace of Utrech, was a document were a series of treaties between France and Europe countries, concluding The War of The Spanish Sucession.
    From then on, was the end of French ambitions of dominions in Europe and preserved the European system based on the balance of power. https://global.britannica.com/topic/treaties-of-Utrecht
  • New Foundation Decrees

    New Foundation Decrees
    The new Foundation were a number of decrees signed by Philip V after the end of the War of the Spanish Succesion.
    Philip V abolished the fueron of Aragon and valencia.
    From now on, Aragon, Valencia and Catalonia were subjects to the laws of Castile.
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    Charles III

    Charles III (son of Philiph V and Elizabeth of Parma) known as “enlightened despot” who lead Spain to a cultural and economic revival.
    At the beginning, he was reconized as Duke of Parma and King of Sicily and Naples, because he could not be the direct heir the throne of Spain
    When his half brother, Ferdinand VI without any heir, Chales III became de new king of Spain.(Elizabeth wished Charle as King).
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    José Moñino y Redondo, I Count of Floridablanca was one of the most important politicians belonging to The Enlightenment in Spain. He`s goals were to improve economic, social and cultural conditions of the country.
    Around the 1766 supported the expulsion of the Jesuits (1767).
    Then, during fifteen years was in the Secretary Estate (thanks to the King Charles III) http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/f/fotos/floridablanca.jpg (portrait made by Goya)
  • The Family compacts 1733 (1st one)

    The Family compacts 1733 (1st one)
    French-Spanish alliance are the three Family Compacts signed between the two countries in 1733, 17143 and 1761.
    - The First Family compact: It was made by Philip V of Spain and Louis XV of France.
    Philip V`s wife, who was very ambitious, formed a plan in order to win back lost territory in Italy for his sons, so he allied Spain to France.
    Finally, Spain recovered Naples and Sicily and Charleswas crowned King of Naples.
  • The Family Compact 1743 (2nd one)

    The Family Compact 1743 (2nd one)
    This second Family Compact was made by Philip V, in the Treaty of Fontaineble.
    This compact was signed in the middle of the War of Austrian Successionau .
    Finally, what happened was the expansion of Spanish influence in Italy when Philip V's fourth son Philip, became in 1748 Duke of Parma, Piacenza and Guastalla.
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    Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos, was a politician and writer born in 1744.
    In 1797 was named as secretary of Gracia y Justicia (during one year), but in this short period of time he standed out fighting against the Inquisition and for the church properties. He was accused and jailed of introduce in Spain a copy of the "Contrato social of Rousseau". When he was in jailed he wrote "Memoria sobre Eduación Pública"; while he proposed to create a new Education Center" in Mallorca.
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    Charles IV

    Charles IV (second son of Charles III) was a stocky young man with great physical strength, but his strength was not matched in the intellectual area, and he would be known as a weak, although kindly, leader when he became king at age of forty.
    While, Napoleon occupied the Spanish that he conquered, Charles IV was forced to abdicate his throne by his son`s supporters (1808).
    Finally, Napoleon installed his brother as the King. And charles and his family were in the exile.
  • The Family Compact 1761 (3rd one)

    The Family Compact 1761 (3rd one)
    This third Family Compact was made by Charles III of Spain (son of Philip V). At this time France was fighting the Seven Years`War against Britain.
    The agreement involved Spain`s allies Naples and Tuscany. When Spain became involved, the British occupied the Philippines and Cuba.
    Later, Charles III recovered these possessions in the Treaty of Paris.
  • Esquilache Riots

    Esquilache Riots
    The Esquilache Riots took part in the Social reforms in Spain. As people did not accept the reforms, there were some protest (Leopoldo de Gregorio, Marqués de Esquilache) who were dressed with long capes and wide-brimmed hats. This clothes were prohibited because they allowed criminals to cover they identity. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Giuseppe_bonito-esquilache.jpg/245px-Giuseppe_bonito-esquilache.jpg
    Here is the Marques of Esquilache.
  • The Expulsion of Jesuits from Spain

    The Expulsion of Jesuits from Spain
    The expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain was carried out by the Bourbons to eliminate their power in education.
    They still don´t know the real reason, but Charles III only said "moved by weighty reason, concious of his duty to uphold obecience, tranquility and jusctice among his people"
    The history of the expulsion has been surrounded with an air of mystery.
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    Joseph I

    Joseph I, brother of Napoleon Bonaparte and emperor of Holy Roman empire. From 1808 to 1813 he was King of Spain, thanks to his brother Napoleon thta had made Charles and Ferdinand abdicate their rights to the throne. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/25/King_Joseph_I_of_Spain.jpg
  • Period: to

    Ferdinand VII

    His reign of Ferdinand VII has three periods:
    -RESTORATION OF ABSOLUTISM: whenhe became king he abolished the Contitution (1812), in order to ruled as an absolute monarch.
    -THE LIBERAL PERIOD: a pronunciamento was made, and the king restored the Constitution.
    -THE VICTORY OF ABSOLUTISIM: Ferdinand asked the Holly Alliance to assist in re-establiishing the absolutism .
    Later,Ferdinand VII proclaimed the Pragmatic Sanction.
  • The Execution of Louis XVI

    The Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis XVI, king of France and later his family, was executed because he wasn`t good as King.
    Louis XVI only provoked misfortune to his people; the economy spiraled downward, crops failed, the price of bread and other food soared.
    The last straw, was Marie Antoniette his wife. She was their main problem.
    So, in January, 1793 Louis XVI`s head rolled off the guillotine and the Bourbon France finished. http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/louis.htm
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    War of the Pyrenees

    The outbreak of this War happen when Lous XVI was executed (guillotine)
    The War of the Pyrenees happened in the western Pyrenees, eastern Pyrenees and at the French port of Toulon, occured during the French Revolutionary against the kigndoms of Spain and Portugal.
    Finally, France won and a peace treaty was signed, Peace of Basel.
  • Treaty of San Ildefonso

    Treaty of San Ildefonso
    The Treaty of San Ildefonso was a militar alliance signed between Spain and France to combine their forces against the British Empire.
    A join Franco-spanish fleet was crushed, British ships blockaded Cadiz and trade with America was cut off.
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    Peninsular War

    This occur when Portugal refused to comply with Napoleon's Continental System, who began a series of maneuvers to secure Spain for France.
    Napoleon gained a ascendancy over Charles IV and Godoy. He forced Spain to join to an invasion of Portugal and also he made Charles and Ferdinand adicated their rights to the throne, in which her placed Joseph.( Napoleon was a little manipulating)
    Lately, Napoleon was defeated by the British
    Two governments lived together in Spain:Joseph and Central counci
  • Napoleon Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned Emperor
    The Napoleon coronation took place in the Notre Dame Cathedral in France.
    Once Napoleon was emperor, he turned the armies of the French Empire against every major European power and came to be known as ‘the scourge of Europe’.
    The Romantics viewed him as ‘descendant of Milton’s Satan’, a tyrant who had exposed the hollowness of the rhetoric surrounding the French Revolution. http://www.keats-shelley-house.org/system/images/0000/0922/The-Emperor-Napoleon.jpg?1323279010
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Battle of Trafalgar
    The Battle of Trafalagar was fought off the coast of Spain between British Royal Navy against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies.
    The Spanish fleet shared in the defeat of the French by Nelson in this battle.
  • Treaty of Fontainebleau

    Treaty of Fontainebleau
    The Treaty of Fontainebleau was signed in France.
    It was stipulated the militar invasion of Portugal (by forcing Spain to join).
    The French troops had to go through the Spanish territory, the previous French invasion of the Iberian Peninsula and Independet War.
    Portugal was quickly overrun and portuguese royal family fled to Brazil.
    Napoleon made both Ferdinand and Charles abdicate their rights to the throne, where his brother Joseph was placed.
  • The Abdications Of Bayonne

    The Abdications of Bayonne was a series of forced (by Napoleon) abdications of the Kings of Spain that led to what the Spanish War of Independence (1808-1814) which extended with the Peninsular War.
    Charles and Ferdiand were replaced by Napoleon`s brother Joseph I
  • Firts Spanish Constitution

    Firts Spanish Constitution
    The Firts Spanish Constitution was drawn up in Cadiz, raising up the rights of Spanish citizens and limiting the power of the monarchy.
    The Constitution never entered fully into effect: Spain was ruled by the French, while the rest of the country was in the hands of Napoleonic area.
    The Spaniards nicknamed the Constitution La Pepa, they liked to joke of them.
  • Riego`s Pronunciamiento

    Riego`s Pronunciamiento
    When Ferdinand VII was welcomed back as King, promising to uphold the Constitution (1812) but two years later he abolished it.
    Rafael de Riego`s Pronunciamiento (where he expressed opinion to the King) was a 'coup d'etat', which made Ferdinand VII restore the Constitution.
    With this uprinsing finished the first reign of Ferdinand VII and it was established a liberal government 1820-1823.
  • Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis

    Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis
    "Cien Mil Hijos de San Luis" they were soldiers that entered in Spain. They came from France in order to return the power to Ferdinand VII and finish with the liberal government that had been established.
    From 1823 was the last period of Fernado VII`s reign (Absolutism) till he died, 1833.
  • Salic Law

    Salic Law
    Salic Law was brought by the Bourbons to Spain in order to excludes any females from the line of succesion.
    This law was abolished by Ferdinand VII in exchange of Pramatic Sanction, in which the woman could be the succesor of the throne. Ferdinand VII put this `law` because of his daughter Isabella (later II). But Fernando`s brother did not accept it and claimed for his rights.
    Finally, there was a war, Carlist War, where Isabell gained the crown.
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    Isabella II

    Isabell was very young when she had to reign Spain (1833-1868). His succesion was really disputed by the Carlist, who refused to recognize a woman as a Queen and later caused the Carlist War. Her power was limited by the Constitution.
    While, she had to support two political parties;
    -MODERATE LIBERAL PARTY; they wanted a stronger monarchy.
    -PROGRESSIVE PARTY; they wanted to limite royal authority.
    Despite of his marriaged with a Frech prince, she had some relations with others men.
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    First Carlist War

    The First Carlist War was a civil war in Spain, where the supporters were fighting. Maria Christina, acting for Isabella II (who was a child in that moment) of Spain and the Carlist supporting the absolute monarchy. https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3526/3772230121_0c739a5de6_z.jpg?zz=1
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    Amadeus of Savoy

    Amadeus of Savoy was the second son of King Vittorio Emanuele II of Italy.
    when Isabell was overthrown, Amadeus was placed in her place as the new King of Spain. His reign only lasted very few years, because he abdicated considering that both republicans and Carlist rejected him. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c6/Amadeo_king_of_Spain.jpg
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    Second Carlist War

    Sencond Carlist War (also known as War of the Matiners or Madrugadores) in Catalonia by the Carlists against the forces of the government of Isabella II. It was spread to Galicia, where there the uprising was smaller than the first one.
  • Canal of Castilla

    Canal of Castilla
    It is a canal located in the north of Spain and was built by Marques de la Ensenada. The construction lasted between half of the 18th century and the first half of the 19th century (1753-1849) It runs 207 km through the provinces of Burgos, Palencia and Valladolid.
    This canal was built to make easier the irrigation system .
  • The Glorious Spanish Revolution

    The Glorious Spanish Revolution
    When Isabel II was overthrown (1868) at the same The Glorious Rvolution took place.
    It was a military uprising that supposed the detroy and exile of the Queen Isabel II.
    While this happened Juan Prim was searching for a new King (Amadeus of Savoy). https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Gobierno_Provisional_1869_(J.Laurent).jpg
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    Third Carlist war

    In this Third carlist War, Carlist forces managed to occupy several towns in the interior of Spain, in that moment Isabel II had been overthrown.
    The Carlist proclaimed the restoration of Catalonian, Valencian and Aragonese fueros, which were abolished by Philip V.
    In the place of Isabel II was placed Amadeus of Savoy, but only for a few years.
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    First Republic

    The First Republic was the short politica reguim in Spain, when the pronunciamento made by the general Arsenio Martinez-Campos, maked the beginning of the Bourbon restoration in the country.
    There were some problems :
    -division of republicans
    -the Third Carlist War (1872-1876)
    At the end, in 1874 there was another uprising; Alfonso XII was installed as a Spanish monarch to reing a new liberal Constitution.
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    Cuban War

    Cuba War, also known as Spanih-American War, was a conflict between Spain and the United States in 1898, as result of the American intervention in the Independent Cuban War.
    In the end, Spain was defeated and Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philipines territories were lost.
    However, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Philipines proclaimed itself as independents countries, although they were still `belonged`to United States. http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-spanish-american-war-causes-goals-results.html