
Unit 12 Timeline of Scientific Revolution and Renaissance People

  • 1452

    Leonardo Da Vinci is Born

    Leonardo Da Vinci is Born
    In Anchiano, Italy, close to Florance, Leonardo Da Vinci is Born.
  • 1469

    Niccolo Machiavelli is born

    Niccolo Machiavelli is born
    Born in Florence Italy
  • 1475

    Nicolaus Copernicus is Born

    Nicolaus Copernicus is Born
    Born in Torun, Poland
  • 1475

    Michelangelo Is Born

    Michelangelo Is Born
    Born in Caprese
  • 1495

    The Last Supper is Created

    The Last Supper is Created
    Created my Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • 1498

    Pieta Is started

    Pieta Is started
    The Statue Pieta by Michelangelo is started
  • 1499

    Pieta is Finished

    Pieta is Finished
    By Michelangelo, the statue Pieta is finished.
  • 1501

    David Is started

    David Is started
    Created by Michelangelo.
  • 1503

    The Mona Lisa is Created

    The Mona Lisa is Created
    Painted by Leonardo Da Vinci
  • 1504

    David is Finished

    David is Finished
    Statue Created by Michelangelo.1505
  • 1513

    The Prince is Written

    The Prince is Written
    Written by Niccolo Machiavelli, this was seen as an almost guide for rulers. It is now seen as a real look as how government used power and has help to question how morally correct a powerful government is.
  • 1515

    The Sistine Chapel's paintings begin

    The Sistine Chapel's paintings begin
    The painting of the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo has begun.
  • 1519

    Leonardo Da Vinci Dies

    Leonardo Da Vinci Dies
    An exceptional mind in his time, Leonardo Da Vince is not only remembered for his paintings and sculptures, but also known for his various sketches of inventions such as his flying machines and anatomy.
  • 1520

    Raphael is Born

    Raphael is Born
    Born in Rome
  • 1520

    Raphael Dies

    Raphael Dies
    Though his death was early, Raphael, will be remembered for his classic christian style of panting, his numerous Madonnas, and his painting "School of Athens"
  • 1527

    Niccolo Machiavelli Dies

    Niccolo Machiavelli Dies
    His Life as a Diplomat in Florence that lead him to write "The Prince" Helped to understand of kings, princes, and others who held power might have managed their power.
  • 1541

    The Sistine Chaple is Completed

    The Sistine Chaple is Completed
    The painting of the Sistine Chapel is finally finished.
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus Dies

    Nicolaus Copernicus Dies
    Shortly after holding his first copy of his findings in "On the Revolutions of the heavenly spheres" , Nicolaus Copernicus Dies. He First theorized that the center of the universe is the Sun not the Earth. At first his findings were cast aside due to religious belief but, later Tycho Brahe provided proof for Copernicus's theory in the late 1500s.
  • 1564

    Michelangelo Dies

    Michelangelo Dies
    Dying in Macel de Corvi Rome, Italy, He will always be remembered for his way of making stone skin and marvelous painting.
  • Robert Boyle is Born

    Robert Boyle is Born
    Born in Lismore, Ireland
  • Robert Boyle begins experimenting

    Robert Boyle begins experimenting
    Robert Boyle starts to experiment with an air pump and how heat effects the pressure of gasses.
  • Robert Boyle Dies

    Robert Boyle Dies
    Buried at St. Martin's, Robert Boyle will be remembered for his advancements in chemistry.