Birth Date
Grandpa had an allergic reaction
The day my grandpa died hurt me. When we got to the hospital he was laying in the same bad as my grandma. The doctors said if we would've waited any longer he would've died. The whole time he was there all I could think about was my grandma laying there. So now I am constantly checking on him and asking if he needs help with anything because I don't want to regret not spending time with him like I did with my Grandma. -
Day I met my Better Half
Discovered Grandma's Tumar
Day I Learned Sign Language
The day I learned sign language is the day a lot of things changed. I got to communticate with people who cannot talk and sometimes when churches do their praise and worship I sign while they sing. Of course it wasn't easy, it took a lot of practice, to this day I am still learning new words. -
Grandma Died
The day my grandma died had one of the most biggest impacts on my life. While she was sick in the hospital I almost never wanted to stay with her but then she died and now I look back and wish I did, I regret not having them little talks. That's why with my mom the little things matter the most to me. -
Period: to
I went to Mexico
I went to Mexico to go see my day. When we got there we seen how all of the houses was and how a lot of the people looked. They do not have very much. Those few weeks that we spent down there made me realize how grateful I am to have everything. -
Period: to
1st Year at Church Camp
My 1st year of church camp was really hard. I did not know anybody and I wasn't really a Christian but every night we would have a little devotion. What they were saying didn't make any sense to me till that Thursday night. What they were saying hit me, I felt like they was talking to me. That Thursday night I got saved. -
Mom got rushed to the hospital
Started Arkadelphia High School