Steam Engine,Thomas Savery
The steam engine sparked the industrial revolution. -
The Spinning Jenny, James Hargreaves
The Spinning Jenny was an invention that sped up the time it took to produce yarn. -
The Cotton Gin, Eli Whitley
This invention sped up the removal of cotton seeds from the cotton and increased the amount of cotton that could be harvested. -
The Telegraph,Samuel Morse
The Sewing Machine, Elias Howe
The sewing machine sped up the production of textiles. -
The Light Bulb, Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb. -
Transatlantic telegraph cable,Cyrus Field
Cyrus Field invented the Transatlantic telegraph cable. -
Telephone, Alexander Bell
March 10, 1876 was the day that the first telephone call was made on the telephone. -
Phonograph, Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison invented teh Phonograph. -
Airplane, Wright brothers
This was the day that the first flight was in Kill Devl Hills.