The baby is born
Physical development 13 to 15 months
- May stand erect with only slight support
- Takes steps while holding onto cargivers hands
- Has improved grasping skills
- Turns pages of reading books
- Needs improvement in manioulation skills
Cognitive Development 13 to 15 months
- Begins to form concepts
- Notices actions of other children and adults, and loves to mimic them
- Slowly increases vocabulary to 4 to 6 words
- Responds to own name and comes when called
Toddler taking her first steps
Physical development 16 to 18 months
- May be able to walk sideways
- Stands on either foot with support
- Squats down smoothly from standing position
- Shows hand prference in all activites
Cognitive Development 16 to 18 months
- Remembers where objects belong
- Has short attention span
- Is very inquisitive about everything
- Vocabulary increases to 6 to 10 words
- Says "no" more often than any other word
Cognitive development 19 to 21 months
- Progresses from simple imitation to imaginative
- Can remember familiar objects without seeing it
- Learns to distinguish different sounds and smells
- Has vocabulary of about 20 words
Physical development for 19 to 21 months
- Walks sideways and backwards
- Walks up and down staris with help
- Loves to jump, run and climb
- Holds two objecrs in hand esily
Physcial development 22 to 24 months
- Walks with more cordination
- Bounces and sways in simple dancing movemnets
- Jumps with both feet off the floor
- Snips paper with scissors
Cognitive development 22 to 24 months
- Follows simple direction
- Is able to match familiar objects
- May be able to draw crude pictures
- Has vocabulary of 50 or more words
Physical development 24 to 30 months
- Climbs on jungle gym with ease
- Kicks ball forward
- Plays on swings, laders and other playground equipment
- Opens doors by turning knobs
- Soaps hands and arms easily
Cognitive development 24 to 30 months
- Becomes increasingly interested in childrens tv shows
- understands casue and effect
- Enjoys playing house and imitating family situations
- Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 words at the end of this period
Physical development 30 to 36 months
- Likes to be in constand motion
- Enjoys games involving running
- Jumps from any elevated object
- Strings large beads
- Makes mud pies and sand castles
Cognitive development 30 to 36
- Begins to classify objects into general catagories
- Tries out various roles in make belive play
- Recognizes self in pictures
- Creates 2 to 3 word sentences
- uses personal pro nouns correctly