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toddlers project

  • baby is born

    baby is born
  • 13-15mos old physical

    13-15mos old physical
    baby begins walking along furniture or cruising.
    sits by collapsing after first steps crawls over small obstacles and at varying speeds. .
    has developed climbing skills and may sit in chairs for small periods of time.
    has better grasping skills and needs improvement in manipulation skills
  • cognitive

    loves to mimic all actions. experiments with new actions.
    has a very short memory and almost no fore thought
    can recognize fimiliar pictures and books.
    slowly increases increases vocabulary.
    may use sound to indicate certain objects may repeat sounds without knowing the meaning
  • 16-18mos physical

    16-18mos physical
    stands on either foot with support walks fast and runs stiffly improves throwing motion first using whole body the just the arm.
    pushes and pulls large toys around the floor.
    may show preference in all activities.
    likes to grab everything and use hand gestures with spoken word beigns to scribble and contiues to enjoy emptying and filling containers
  • cognitive

    gradually refines concepts. remembers where things belong.

    has short attention span and tries to imitate the way parents use things.
    begins to figure out things through thought process.
    begins uses words instead of gestures.
    obeys simple commands.
    understands more words than is capable of saying.
    may use two word phrases and can point to certain body parts on request
  • 19-21mos physical

    19-21mos physical
    at this point the child can walk sideways and backwards and responds rhythmically to music with the whole body.
    learned to hold two objects easily and uses one hand more than the other
  • cognitive

    by now the child has progressed from simple imitation to imaginative play.

    can remember objects with out seeing them.
    looks at books for longer periods of time studying the pictures. interested in tiny things like bugs.
    now has a vocabulary of about 20 words.
    responds to speech with speech.
    constantly asks "whats that?" enjoys hearing nursery rhymes
  • 22-24mos physical

    22-24mos physical
    walks with more coordinance
    bounces and sways in simple dancing movements
    alternates between standing and sitting easily
    can seat self in small chairs easily
    lacks ability to stop and start efficiently while running
    likes to play with modeling clay
    smoother hand and finger movements
    can open and close screw type closures
    holds crayon with thumb and fingers
  • cognitive

    becomes interested in the outcome of activities and the preciseplacement of things
    curious about objects in envirionment
    maybe able to recall what is lost and where it may be
    able to draw crude pictures and interpret them
    vocabulary of 50 words or more
    intereated in sound repetion
    substitutes some words for physical acts
    listens to and enjoys simple stories
  • 24-30mos physical

    24-30mos physical
    torso lengthens and baby fat beegins to dissapear
    likes to run but is not good at sudden stops and may run into people
    climbs everywhere
    opens door by turning knobs
    can remove candy wrappers and turn pages in a book
    tears paper and manipulates clay
  • cognitive

    increasingly interested in childrens shows
    understands the cause and effect of their own behavior
    enjoys playing in the house and imitating family situations
    remembers sequence of stories and can retell them
    reccognizes familiar signs in environment
    can follow two step commands
    vocabs increases to 200-500 words and uses two words sentences
    refers to self by name
    likes to learn names for new objects
  • cognitive

    puts objects in general categories
    uses symbolic representation in make-believe play
    more skilled in putting things together
    can remember and follow three step commands
    recognizes self in photograhs
    vocabulary is now 500-1000 words
    creates 2-3 words sentences with verbs starts to use past tense and plurals
    asks names of objects and repeats them
    understands relative sizes ( big and small )
    uses personal pronouns correctly
  • 30-36mos physical

    30-36mos physical
    likes to be in constant running motion
    goes up and down stairs ine foot at a time
    jumps from any elevated places sometimes iscalculting height
    still has poor aim. walks om tiptoes