Carter is born
Baby carter is born -
13-15 months -cognitive
- Begin to form concepts
- Slowly increases vocabulary to 4-6 words
- Very short memory and no forethought
- Responds to own name
- Follows simple commands
- Experiment with actions never tried before
13-15 months -physical
- May stand with slight support
- Improved grasping skills
- Climbs stairs on hands and knees
- Can use a spoon
- Crawl over small barriers
- Can build small towers of blocks
16-18 months -cognitive
-Refine concepts
-Uses words instead of gestures
-Short attention span
-Say no more than any other word
-Scribbles more freely
-Responds delightedly to childrens tv shows -
16-18 months- physical
Baby walking for first time-Walk Sideways
-Show hand preference
-Stands on either foot with support
-Likes to grab everthing and anything
-Squats down smoothly from standing position
-Begins to scribble -
19-21 months- Physical
-Walks sideways and backwards
-Holds two objects in hand easily
-Loves to run, jump, and climb
-Uses one hand more than the other
-Hangs from bar, grasping with hands
-Can kick large ball without stepping on it -
19-21 months- Cognitive
-Remember familiar objects without seeing them
-Vocabulary of about 20 words
-Obtain familiar objects from different room when asked
-Uses speech to get desired results
-Imitates simple actions on request
-Matches sounds to the animals that make them -
22-24 months- Cognitive
-Curious about objects in environment
-Vocabulary of about 50 or more words
-Identifies familiar objects on tv screen
-Asks for food when hungry and water when thirsty
-Follows simple directions
-Imitates parents' words and inflections -
22-24 months- Physical
-Walks with more coordination and assurance
-Likes to play with modeling clay
-Can seat self in small chair with ease
-Can open skrew-type closures
-Throws ball overhead instead of tossing
-Holds crayon with thumb and fingers -
24-30 months- Cognitive
-Becomes increasingly interested in children's tv shows
-Vocabulary starts at 200 words and increases to 500 or more
-Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
-Uses two-word sentences
-Can follow two-step commands
-Distinguishes between before and after -
24-30 months- Physical
running-Enjoys running but unable to stop which may result in collison
-Opens doors by turning knobs
-Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
-Can soap hands and arms easily
-Climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease
-Tears paper and manipulates clay -
30-36 months- Cognitive
-Uses symbolic representation in make-believe play
-Recognizes self in photographs
-Vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000
-Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
-Can remember and follow three-step commans
-Uses personal pronouns correctly -
30-36 months- Physical
-Climbs up slide ladder and slides down
-Scribbles and draws circles as well as horizontal and verical lines
-Walks on tiptoes
-Turns doorknobswith greater strength
-Goes up stairs by alternating feet, but goes down one foot at a time
-Eats with a fork