Baby is born!
12-15 Months -Cognitive
Notics actions from children and adults and loves mimics all actions.
Shows intrest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surfaces.
Has a very short memory span. -
12-15 Months- Physical
May stand alone without support for a short time.
Has improved grasping skills.
Builds small towers and blocks.
May climb stairs with hands or knees. -
16-18 Months -Cognitive
Is very inquisitive about things .
Remebers where objects belong.
Identifies simple pictures in a book such as "ball" or "cat".
vocabulary increases to six to ten words. -
16-18 Months -Physical
May show hand perference to activities.
jumps with both feet.
Stand on ethier foot with.
Walks fast runs stiffly. -
19-21 Months - Cognitive
Can remeber familiar objects without seeing them.
Likes to make marks on paper with big crayons.
Has vocabulary of about 20 words. -
19-21 months-physical
hangs from bar with grasping hands. holds two objects in hands easly.
Use one hand more than the other.
Can kick larger ball without steping on it. -
22-24 Month- Physical
walks with coordinationand assurance.
Lacks ability to stop quickly while runing.
can seat self in small chair with ease.
can throw bal in basketball. -
22-24 Months - Cogitive
May distinguish between "one" and "Many"
Has vocabulary of 50 or more words.
Ask for food when hungry or ask for water when thristy.
Understands more words than able to use. -
24-30 Months - Physical
Baby fat begins to dissappear.
Play on swing,ladders,and other play ground equipment.
Opens doors by turning knobs.
Throws ball over head but without aiming. -
24-30 months-Cogitive
becomes interested in T.V. vocabulary starts at 200 words and goes up 500.
Uses 2 word sentence.
Knows the difference between before and after.
Is better able to plan a play activity and carrry it out.
Likes to give affection to parents . -
30-36 months Physical
Sits in adults chairs and may perfer these to smaller chairs.
Throws balls over head but aim is still poor.
Clibs quickly on juggle gym to get to the top.
Enjoys games invovling running. -
30-36 months Cogitive
Begins to classify objects into general categories.
Can remember and follow 3 step comands.
Identifies familar objects by touch.
Vocabulary starts at 500 words and increases to 900 words. Recognizes self in pictures.