Baby is born!
Happy Birthday! -
13-15 Months Physical
Toddlers may stand erect with only slight support.
Toddler cruises along furniture.
Toddler crawls over small barriers.
Toddler may climb out of crib.
Toddler may be able to back down stairs. -
13-15 Cognitive
Toddlers may have a very short memory,
Toddler may like to look at picture books
Toddler experiments with actions
Toddler shows interst in new textures
Toddler is able to fit round block into round hole. -
16-18 months Physical
Toddlers may be able to walk sideways.
Toddler walk fast and runs swiftly.
Toddler jumps with both feet.
Toddler likes to grab anything and everything.
Toddler builds towers of three cubes. -
16-18 months Cognitive
Toddler remembers where objects belong.
Toddler has a short attention span.
Toddler enjoys working with shapes on form board.
Toddler respondes delightedly to childrens TV shows.
Toddler says "no" more often than any other word. -
19-21 months Physical
Toddler runs without falling often.
Toddler loves to jump, run, and climb.
Toddler holds two objects in hand easily.
Toddler jumps forward and in place.
Toddler uses one hand more than the other. -
19-21 Months Cognitive
Toddler likes to make marks on paper with big crayon.
Toddler can remember familiar objects without seeing them.
Toddler completes simple jigsaw puzzle of 2 or 3 pieces.
Toddler has vocabulary of about 20 words.
Toddler enjoys labeling objects and parts of the body. -
22-24 Months Physical
Toddler can seat self in small chair with eaase.
Toddler can throw ball into baasket.
Toddler likes to play with modeling clay.
Toddler snips paper with scissors.
Toddler walks with more coordination and assurance. -
22-24 Months Congnitive
Toddler has vocabulary of 50 words or more.
Toddlers is interested in sound repitition.
Toddler listens to and enjoys simple stories.
Toddler is able to match familiar objects.
Toddler recognizes when picture in book is upside down. -
24-30 Months Physical
Toddler opens doors by turning knobs.
Toddler can soap hands and arm easily.
Toddler can remove gum and candy wrappers.
Toddler plays on swings and playground equipment
Toddler tears paper and like to play with clay -
24-30 Months Cognitive
Toddler uses words to make request.
Toddler uses 2 word sentences.
Toddler can follow two-step commands.
Toddler enjoys playing house and imatating family situations.
Toddler understands cause and effect in terms of behavior. -
30-36 Months Physical
Toddler likes to be in constent motion.
Toddler climbs quickly on jungle gym to reach the top.
Toddler climbs up slide ladder and slides down.
Toddler walks on tiptoes.
Toddler likes to paint using full arm motions combined with fingers motions. -
30-36 months cognitive
Toddler begins to classify objects into general categories.
Toddler can stack rings in correct order.
Toddler regognizes self in photographs.
Toddler starts to use past tense and plurals.
Toddler uses personal pronouns correctly.