Baby is born
13-15 cognitive develpment
Playing peek-a-boo with baby will help with cognitive development -
phsical develpments 13- 15 moths
Clapping with toddler helps with physical develpment of toddler -
16 - 18 months
becoming more adept at using her hands and fingers she may be able to stack two or three blocks into a tower -
16-18 months cognitive
toddlers at the age of 16-18 months learn to distinguish the qualities of various things -
19-21 months cognitive
vocabulary of a typical 19-month-old toddler may consist of as few as ten words or as many as 50 -
19-21 physical
walking backward, sideways, up and down stairs -
22-24 months cognitive
combine a couple of words to ask questions or make statements -
22-24 months phsical
Poking and pinching moldable compounds such as Silly Putty -
24-30 months phsical
Run without falling -
24-30 months cognitive development
Begin to match and sort shapes, pictures, and some colours -
30-36 months cognitive
Show an increased attention span -
30-36 months physically
Takes part in group activities that include running, galloping, crawling, rolling over, and twirling around.