
  • Birth

  • 13-18 months : Physical

    13-18 months : Physical
    -Stand erect with slight support
    -Stand alone for short time
    -Cruises furniture
    -May be able to walk sideways
    -Walks fast or runs stiffly
  • 13-18 months : Cognitive

    13-18 months : Cognitive
    -Begins to form concepts
    -Gradually refines concepts
    -Short attention span
    -Likes to look at picture books and pats recognized pictures
    -Vocabulary increases to 6-10 words
  • 19-24 months: Physical

    19-24 months: Physical
    -Walks with more coordination and assurance
    -Runs without falling often
    -Hangs from bars with grasping of hands
    -Bounces and sways and simple dancing movements
    -Can seat self in small chair with ease
  • 19-24 months : Cognitive

    19-24 months : Cognitive
    -Progress from single imitation to imaginive play
    -Complete simple jigsaw with 2-3 pieces
    -Follow simple directions
    -Idenitifies familiar objects on TV screen
    -May be able to draw crude pictures and interpret what they are
  • 25-30 months : Cognitive

    25-30 months : Cognitive
    -Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
    -Becomes more skilled putting puzzles together
    -Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
    -Can remember and follow three step commands
    -Distinguishes between before and after
  • 25-30 months : Physical

    25-30 months : Physical
    -Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops
    -Climbs quickly on jungle gym to reach the top
    -Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
    -Sits in adult chairs and may be preferred over smaller chairs
    -Throws ball over head but without aiming
  • 31-36 months : Cognitive

    31-36 months : Cognitive
    -Studies the environment with all 5 senses
    -May still confuse fact and fantasy
    -Tells tall tales
    -Has vocabulary of 1500 words
    -Speaks in 2-5 word sentences
  • 31-36 months : Physical

    31-36 months : Physical
    -Improves overall condition
    -Goes up and down stairs using alternate feet
    -Likes to try jumping from greater heights when assistance is given
    -May continue to use both feet when coming downstairs