18 Month Old
Pushing and Pulling, climbing, and squatting peak between 12 and 18 months old. Sentences of two words or possibly more. They may say "All done," or "Want more." Babbling and still immitationg mom and dad. They may or may not favor one parent over the other. Can drink from a cup. -
20 Months Old
The toddler may want to do everything for themselves. Often say "Me do it." Will often help you along side with basic tasks. May show signs of aggression like hitting or bitting. Throwing temper tantrums is normal because they do not understand how to consol themselves otherwise. -
22 Months Old
Now the toddler begins to set goals for themselves. Wanting to push the law mower, fake one of course, down the lawn shows just that. They love to look for praise and aomplishments. Can count to ten and say some of the alphabet. Depending on the nature of the toddler, they should be pretty social with other children their ages. -
23 Months Old
They may form two to four word sentences. Can hum and sing songs And can repeat words heard in a conversation. They love festivities but may still become overwhelmed.