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Toddler Timeline Project

  • Infant

  • Physical: toddler from 13-15 months

    Physical: toddler from 13-15 months
    • Cruises along furniture
    • Crawls over small barriers
    • May try to turn door knobs
    • Grasping skills have improved
    • May stand alone without support for a short time
  • Cognitive: toddler from 13-15

    Cognitive:  toddler from 13-15
    • Responds to own name
    • Recognizes names of major body parts
    • Loves to mimic all actions
    • Understands object permenance
    • Shows interest in new textures
  • Physical: toddlers from 16-18 months

    Physical: toddlers from 16-18 months
    • May be sble to walk sideways
    • Jumps with both feet
    • Likes to grab anything and everything
    • Squats down smoothly from standing position
    • Uses hand gestures
  • Cognitive : toddlers from 16-18 months

    Cognitive : toddlers from 16-18 months
    -Says no more offten than other words
    - Vert inquisitive about everything
    - Knows where objects belong
    - Has short attention span
    - Imitates the way parents use objects
  • Physical: toddler from 19-21 months

    Physical: toddler from 19-21 months
    • Loves to run, jump, and climb
    • Uses one hand more than the other
    • Can kick a large ball without stepping on it
    • Hangs from bar grasping with hands
    • Jumps forward and in place
  • Cognitive: toddler from 19-21 months

    Cognitive: toddler from 19-21 months
    • Interested in tiny things
    • Constantly asks "Whats that?"
    • Matches sounds to the animal that makes it
    • Learns to distinguish differents sounds and smells -Likes to use big crayons
  • Phsyical: toddlers from 22-24 months

    Phsyical: toddlers from 22-24 months
    • Walks with more corrdination and assurance
    • Bounces and sways in simple dancing
    • Alternates between standing and sitting possitions easily
    • Can throw ball intop basket
    • Likes to play with mondeling clay
  • Cognitive: toddler from 22-24 months

    Cognitive: toddler from 22-24 months
    • Asks for food when hungry
    • Understands more words than is able to use
    • Is interested ins sound repetition
    • Becomes interested in the outsome of activities
    • Becomes curious about objects in the environment
  • Physical toddlers from 24-30

    Physical toddlers from 24-30
    • Plays on playground equipment
    • Can remove gum an candy wrappers
    • Kicks ball foward
    • Can soap arms and hands easily
    • Enjoys running but unable to stop suddenly
  • Cognotive toddlers from 24-30

    Cognotive toddlers from 24-30
    • Can folow 2 step demands
    • Uses 2 word sentences
    • Likes to imitate drawings of older kids
    • Refers to self by name
    • Distinguishes between before and after
  • Physical - 30-36

    Physical - 30-36
    • Jumps from evelated objects
    • Makes mud pies and sandcastles
    • Walks on tiptoes
    • Eats with a fork
    • Goes up stairs, alternating feet. Goes down one foot at a time
  • Cognotive- 30-36 months

    Cognotive- 30-36 months
    • Recognizes self in pictures
    • Creates 2-3 word sentences
    • Can stack rings in the correct order
    • Connects names and uses of objects
    • Tries new activities to exlore