The baby is born -
13-15 Months Physical
The toddler may stand alone without support for a short time -
13-15 Months Cognitive
The toddler shows increased negativism -
16-18 Months Physical
The toddler can build towers of three cubes -
16-18 Months Cognitive
The toddler may exhibit fear of thunder, lightning, large animals, and so on -
19-21 Months Physical
The toddler loves to run, jump, and climb -
19-21 Months Cognitive
The toddler has about 20 words in their vocabulary -
22-24 Months Physical
The toddler bounces and sways in simple dancing movements -
22-24 Months Cognitive
The toddler has a vocabulary of about 50 words -
24-30 Months Physical
The toddler can climb on the jungle gym with some ease -
24-30 Months Cognitive
The toddler uses two-word sentences -
30-36 Months Physical
The toddler enjoys games that involve running -
30-36 Months Cognitive
The toddlers vocabulary starts at about 500 words and increases to 900 or 1,000 in this period -
Running is fun for toddlers