Physical Development of 13-15 month old
~May stand erect with only slight support
~Takes steps while holding onto parents hands
~Crawls over small barriers
~Has improved grasping skills
~May climb stairs on hands and knees -
Cognitive Development of 13-15 month olds
~Explores different features of subjects as if studying them
~Experiments with actions never tried before
~Has very short memory
~Shows interest in new textures
~Slowly increases vocabulary from 4-6 words -
Physical Development of 16-18 month olds
~Walks fast and runs stiffly
~Squats down smoothly from standing position
~Jumps with both feet
~Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
~Improves throwing motion -
Cognitive Development of 16-18 month olds
~Is very inquisitive about everything
~Remembers where objects belong
~Has short attention span
~Tries to imitate the way parents use objects
~Vocabulary increases to 6-10 words -
Physical Development of 19-21 month olds
~Walks sideways and backwards
~Loves to run, jump, and climb
~Builds tower of 5 or 6 blocks
~Can kick large ball without stepping on it
~Uses one hand more than the other -
Cognitive Development of 19-21 month olds
~Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
~Is interested in tiny things such as bugs
~Looks at books for longer periods of time, studying pictures
~Completes simple jigsaw puzzle of two or three pieces
~Learns to distinguish different sounds and smells -
Physical development 22-24 month olds
~Can throw ball into basket
~Throws ball overhead instead of tossing
~Likes to play with modeling clay
~Can open screw-type closures.
~Holds crayons/markers with thumb and fingers -
Cognitive development of 22-24 month olds
~Answers questions concerning the names of body parts
~Continues to ask "What's that?"
~Has vocabulary of 50 or more words
~Mayb distinguish between "one" and "many"
~Is curious obout objects in environment; feels, squeezes, pulls and pushes objects -
Physical development of 24-30 month olds
~Enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops. May collide with other people or obstacles
~Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
~Throws ball overhead but without aiming
~Opens doors by turning knobs
~Likes to take jar lids off and screw them back on -
Cognitive development of 24-30 month olds
~Is better able to plan a play activity and carry it out
~Likes to listen to tapes and records of stories and songs
~Is able to interpret pictures drawn or painted
~Uses two-word sentences
~Enjoys learning names for new objects -
Cognitive development of 30-36 month olds
~Can stack rings in the correct order
~Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
~Reveals intellectual curiosity in reading books and watching tv
~Creates 2-3 word sentences using verbs
~Asks names of objects and repeats them -
Physical development of 30-36 month olds
~Enjoys games involving running
~Walks on tiptoe
~Likes to paint using full arm motions
~Goes upstairs by alternating feet
~Turns door knobs with greater strength