Baby Born
30-36 Months Cognitive
-Tries out various roles in make-belive play
-Asks name of objects and repeats them
-Tries new play activities to discover more about how things work
-Reveals intellectual curiousity in reading books and watching TV
-Recognizes self in photographs -
13-15 Months Physical
-Starts cruising along furniture which helps begin walking.
-Can open small, hinged boxes
-May climb out of crib, high chair, or stroller
-Builds small towers of blocks
-May be able to back down stairs -
13-15 Months Cognitive
-Slowly increases voabulary to 4 to 6 words
-Shows interest in texture
-Experiments new actions never tried before
-Pats recgonized pictures
-Responds to name -
16-18 Months Physical
-Walking fastly and running stiffly
-Begins to scribble
-Pushes and pulls large toys along the ground
-Likes to grab anything and anything
-Jumps with both feet -
16-18 Months Cognitive
-Remembers where objects belong
-Imitates simple sounds on request
-Identifies simple pictures in book
-Tries to imitate the ways parents use objects
-Responds delightedly to children's TV shows -
19-21 Months Physcial
-Jumps forward and in place
-Can fold a piece of paper after seeing someone else do it
-Can kick large ball
-Builds tower of five or four blocks
-Runs without falling often -
19-21 Months Cognitive
-Has vocabulary of about 20 words
-Matches sounds to the animals that make them
-Places circles, triangles, and squares in form boards
-Constantly asks 'Whats that?"
-Combines two different words -
22-24 Months Physical
-Can throw ball into basket
-Holds crayon with thumb and finger
-Can seat self in small chair with ease
-Bounces and sways in simple dancing movements
-Learns to play with modeling clay -
22-24 Months Cognitive
-Has vocabulary of 50 words or more
-Understands and asks for 'another' or 'more'
-Is curious about objects in environment
-Identifies familiar objects on TV screen
-May be able to draw pictures and distinguish what they are -
24-30 Months Physical
-Opens doors by turning knobs
-Plays on swings, ladders, and other playground equipment
-Can soap hands and arms
-Can carefully turn pages of book one page at a time
-Enjoys running but it unable to measure certain stops -
24-30 Months Cognitive
-Likes to listen to music
-Vocabulary 200-500 words
-Is better able to plan a plan activity and carry it out
-Likes to imitate drawings of older children
-Refers to self by name -
30-36 Months Physical
-Eats with forks
-Enjoys games involving running
-Throws ball overhead but aim is still poor
-Likes to paint using full arm motions combined with finger motions
-LIkes to be in constant motion, running, or walking sideways or backward -
30-36 Months Cognitive
-Recgonizes self in photographs
-Asks names of objects and repeeats them
-Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
-Reveals intellectual curiousity in reading books and watching TV
-Tries out various roles in make-believe play