baby is born!
13-15 Months: Physical
The toddler may be able to stand on their own for a short period of time without help from an adult
The toddler can crawl over small barriers
He/she may be able to walk a few steps alone without support
May climb stairs on hands and knees
Cruises along furniture -
13-15 Months: Cognitive
Looks in correct place for toys that roll out of sight
Experiments with actions never tried before
Increasess vocabulary to 4-6 words
Has very short memory and almost no forefront
Resopnds to its own name -
16-18 Months: Physical
May be able to walk side ways
Likes to grab everythig in reach
Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor
May turn knobs on radio and tv
Builds tower of three cubees -
16-18 Months: Cognitive
The toddler remebers where objets belong
Says "no" more than any other word
Begins to figure out things through thought process
Obeys command "Give it to me"
Identifies objects when pointing -
19-21 Months: Physical
The toddller can walk sideways and backwards
Runs without falling often
Holds two objects in hands easily
Loves to run, jump and climb
Alternates between sitting and standing easily -
19-21 Months: Cognitive
The toddler can remember familiar objects when not in sight
Interested in the little, tiny things such as a bug
Has a vocabulary of over twenty words
Places circles, triangles, squares on board
Likes to mark on paper with big crayons -
22- 24 Months: Physical
The toddler walks with more coordination and assurancey
He/She can jump with both feet off the floor
Throws ball over head insead of tossing
Can throw bal into basket
Likes to play with modeling clay -
22-24 months Cogntive
Has vocab of 50 words or more
Countines to ask "whats that?"
Recongizes when picture is upside down in book
Understands more words than able to use
asks for food/water when hungray/thirsty -
24-30 Months: Physical
Opens doors by turning knobs
Can remove rapper from gum and candy
Kicks ball forward
Plays on swings ladders and other playground equiptment
Can soap hands and arms easily -
24-30 Months: Cognitive
The toddler becomes interested in children tv shows
Use two word sentences
Vocabulary increases to 500 words
Remembers a sequence of stories
Can follow two step commands -
30-36 Months: Physical
The toddler likes to be in constant motion
Turn door knobs with greater strength
Can string large beads
Eats with a fork
Walks on tiptoes -
30-36 Months: Cognitive
The toddler recognizes self in photographs
Vocabulary increases to 900-1000 words
Identifies familiar objects by touch
Can stick rings in correcvt order
Use personal pronouns correctly