Toddler Timeline

  • Birth of infant

    Birth of infant
  • 13 months Physical Development

    13 months Physical Development
    Large Motor Skills:
    * May stand alone without any help
    * Cruises along furniture
    * Can sit in small chair for a short time Small Motor Skills
    * Has improved Grasping
    * May try to turn knobs
    * Turn book pages
  • 13 months Cognitive Development

    13 months Cognitive Development
    * Looks in right place for toys that roll out of sight
    * Explores different features of objects as if studying it
  • 16 months Physical Development

    16 months Physical Development
    Large Motor Skills:
    * Squats down smoothly from standing position
    * Pushes and pulls large toys around the floor Small Motor Skills:
    * May show hand preference in all activities
    * Adds hand gesture when speaking
  • 16 months Cognitive Development

    16 months Cognitive Development
    * Is very inquisitive about everything
    * Remember where objects belong Language:
    * Say "no" more often
    * Can point to body part in command
  • 19 Months Physical Development

    19 Months Physical Development
    Large Motor Skills:
    * Runs without falling
    * loves to jump, run and climb Small Motor Skills:
    * Holds Two objects in one hand easily
    * Uses one hand more than the other
  • 19 months Cognitive Development

    19 months Cognitive Development
    * Can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    * Places circles, triangles, and squares in form board Language:
    * Responds to speech with speech
    * Constantly ask "why"
  • 22 months Physical Development

    22 months Physical Development
    Large Motor Skills:
    * Jumps with both feet off the floor
    * Can throw a ball into basket Small Motor Skill:
    * Snips paper with scissors
    * Holds Crayon with thumbs and fingers
  • 22 month Cognitive Development

    22 month Cognitive Development
    * May be able to draw crude pictures and can tell what they are
    * Recognizes when picture book is upside down Language:
    * Is interested in sound repetition
    * Asks for food when hungry and water when thirsty
  • 30 months Cognitive Development

    30 months Cognitive Development
    * Becomes increasingly interested in children's TV shows
    *Enjoys playing house and imitate other family situations Language:
    * Uses words to make sense
    * Enjoys learn names for new objects
  • 30 months Physical Development

    30 months Physical Development
    Large Motor Skills:
    * Climbs everywhere indoors, even in forbidden places
    * Plays on swings, ladders and other playground equipmnet Small Motor Skills:
    * Can remove wrapping gum
    * Can soap hands and arms easily
  • 36 months Physical Development

    36 months Physical Development
    Large Motor Skills:
    * Enjoys games involving running
    * Walks in tiptoe Small Motor Skills
    * Turns door knobs with greater strength
    * Eats with fork
  • 36 months Cognitive Development

    36 months Cognitive Development
    * Becomes more skilled in putting puzzles together
    * Recognizes self in pictures Language:
    * Starts to use past and tense and plural
    * Ask names of objects and ask to repeat the name