Born Day
Apirl 22 2016
Physical Dev.
Stands alone for a short period of time.
Takes steps while holding parents hands.
Crawls forward and backward.
May climb out of crib, high chair, or stroller. -
April 22 2016
Intellectual Dev.
Begin to form concepts
Notice actions of others
Explores different features
Very short memory -
July 22, 2016
Physical Dev.
Able to walk sideways
Stands on either foot with support
Walks into ball
Squats down smoothly -
July 22, 2016
Intellectual Dev.
Gradually refines concepts
Remembers where objects are
Has short attention span
Very inquisitive about everything -
October 22, 2016
Physical Dev.
Walks sideways and backwards
Loves to run, jump, and climb
Squats easily in play
Runs without falling often -
October 22, 2016
Intellectual Dev.
Progresses from single imitation
Can remember familiar objects
Interested in tiny things
Looks at books at for longer period of time -
January 22, 2017
Physical Dev.
Walks with more coordination
Walks sideways and backwards with ease
Bounces and sways
Throws ball -
January 22, 2017
Intellectual Dev.
Becomes interested in activities
Is curious about objects
Follows simple directions
Match familiar objects -
June 22, 2017
Physical Dev.
Improves motor skills
Climb everywhere
Plays on swings
Kicks ball forward -
June 22, 2017
Intellectual Dev.
Understand cause and effect
Likes to listen to tapes
Recognizes similar signs
Enjoys playing house -
December 22, 2017
Physical Dev.
Likes to be in constant motion
Enjoys games involving running
Goes up stairs by alternating feet
Climbs up ladder and slides back down -
December 22, 2017
Intellectual Dev.
Begins to classify objects
Uses symbolic representation
Tries out various roles in make-believe plays
Reveals intellectual curiosity -