Newborn baby
Newborn baby -
13 to 15 months
May erect with only slight support. Cruises along furniture takes steps while holding on to parent's hand. Crawls forward and backwards. May creep like a bear with hands and feet in contact with the floor. -
13-15 Months Intellectual
begins to form concepts. explroes differnt features of objects as if studying them.has a very short memory.like to look at picture books.shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers on surface. able to fit around.abilty to make things happens -
16-18 Months Intellectual
gradually refines concepts.enjoys working with shapes.scribbles more freely. begins to figure things out.remmebers where objects are.has short attention span. can imitate strokes in drawing.imitates how parents use objects. -
19-21 Months
Walks side ways and backwards runs with out falling often walks up and down stairs with help. Responds with body loves to run jump and climb hangs from bars grasping with hands. May show incresaing need for security object. May direct anger at person responsible for frustration. may reveal feelings of jealousy. May become more possessive of toys. Gives up items that belong to others upon request. Reveals a sense of trust in adults. -
22-24 Months
Walks with more coordination and assurance. walks sidewaysand backwards with ease. bouncesd and sway with simple dance moves. alternates between sitting and standing. can throw a ball into a basket. throws ball over head. may assume an increasing self effiecient attitude. wants own way all the time. may show aggresive tendencies. becomes frustrated easily. is afraid of disapproval and rejection.displays signs of love for parents. -
22-24 Months
May want to accomplish things such as riding her tricycle down the street. Will be able to recognize things such as a book with pictures even if the book flips over. Would like to sing along with the parent and will be able to remember the lyrics to the words. -
24-30 Months Intellectual
Begins to solve problems by trial and error. Shows an increased attention span and becomes aware of the seqence of numbers when spoken. Pretends to play with others. Will be able to combine toys and games in a more complex ways. -
24-30 Months
climbs on jungle gym with fair amount of ease. plays on swings, ladders,and around other playgrounds.kicks ball forward. climbs everywhere indoor.enjoys running but unable to measure certain stop.tends to be self centered.may develop fear of dark. selfish. may exhibit negativism. -
30-36 Months
likes to be in constant running motion. wlaks on tiptoes. sits i adult chairs. goes upstairs. throws ball over head but aim is still poor. may exhibit fear.likes to drees self. may display negative feelings. feels bad when reminded of mistakes. fearful of bad situations. desire for parental approval. -
30-36 Months intellectual
Understands several prepositions. Shows understanding in use of pronouns. Tries to play act ideas for example the child may think she is a dinosaur. Enjoys creative movement. Will be able to put on shoes but doesn't know hw to tie laces. Can use toliet independently.