It's a boy! -
13-15 months: Physical
Physical- Cruising along furniture, crawling forward/backward, and crawling up the stairs on all fours. -
13-15 months: Cognitive
Cognitive- Begins to form concepts, explores the different uses of objects and studies them. Practices object permanace. -
16-18 months: Physical
They may be able to walk sideways, stand on one foot with support, walks into ball but unable to kick it, pushes and pulls toys around the floor. -
16-18 months: Cognitive
Cognitive: Can gradually define concepts, is very inquisitive about things, has a short attention span and enjoys working with shapes and colorful things,. -
19-21 months: Cognitive
Cognitive: can remember familiar objects without seeing them, can go get an object from adifferent room when asked, places shaes in a form board, interested in tiny things like bugs. -
19-21 months: Physical
Physical: can walk sideways and backward, Run without falling often, jump forward and in place, can hang from a bar by hands. -
22-24 months: Physical
Physical: Walks with better coordination, Walks sideways and backwards with ease, bounces and sways in simple dancing movements, and likes to walk on low walls. -
22-24 months: Cognitive
Cognitive: identify familiar objectson the television, follows simple directions, can match a few similar objects up, and recognizes when a book is turned upsidedown. -
24-30 months: Cognitive
Cognitive: becomes interested in TV shows, understands cause and effect, better able to use nearby objects, better able to plan and play games and activites. -
24-30 months: Physical
Physical: improves motor skills, can run and likes to run without falling, can play on a playground, can kick a ball forward a short distance. -
30-36 months: Physical
Physical: likes to be in constant motion, njoys games invlolving running, can go upstairs alternating feet one by one, jumps down from slightly elevated objects. -
30-36 months: Cognitive
Cognitive: begins to classify objects in simple catgories, tries out various roles in make believe plays, becomes ore skilled in putting puzzles together, can follow 3-step commands. -